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to hold one's water

  • 1 hold one's head above water

    "удержаться на поверхности", бороться с трудностями; бороться за существование; не влезать в долги; избежать банкротства

    He had been grappling with them ever since he married and begot a family; had been bobbing about on tempestuous financial seas, venting now a little profanity, now a little philosophy, but keeping his head above water... (R. Greenwood, ‘Mr. Bunting’, ch. I) — Он воевал со всем этим с тех пор, как женился и обзавелся семьей; он плавал по бурным волнам финансовых неурядиц, отводя душу то крепким словечком, то философскими размышлениями, и все-таки ни разу не ушел с головой под воду...

    ‘Well, I'm blessed!’ he exclaimed. ‘Here I've been struggling to keep our heads above water, and before we're out of the wood you go and bring home a motorcar on tick. We ain't lords and millionaires, Chris, we're ordinary people.’ (R. Greenwood, ‘Mr. Bunting’, ch. XIV) — - Ну что ты тут поделаешь! - воскликнул он. - я бьюсь как рыба об лед, чтобы сводить концы с концами. Мы еще не выбрались из нужды, а он, смотри пожалуйста, пошел и купил машину в кредит. Мы не лорды и не миллионеры, Крис. Мы обыкновенные люди.

    Certainly, the Bank of America makes profits out of the "small people" it claims to serve. But under capitalism people are willing to pay such a tribute for financial services which may help them keep their heads above water for the moment - even though the price paid may leave them still less secure, still more vulnerable to economic vicissitudes, in the future. (V. Perlo, ‘The Empire of High Finance’, ch. XIII) — Разумеется, "Бэнк оф Америка" получает прибыли за счет "маленьких людей", которым он якобы служит. Но при капитализме люди готовы платить подобную дань за финансовую помощь, дающую им возможность хотя бы на время удержаться на поверхности, пусть даже ценой своей будущей обеспеченности и неуязвимости перед лицом экономических превратностей.

    Large English-Russian phrasebook > hold one's head above water

  • 2 hold head above water

    1) Общая лексика: (one's) удержаться на поверхности, едва перебиваться, едва сводить концы с концами
    2) Макаров: (one's) едва перебиваться, (one's) едва сводить концы с концами

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > hold head above water

  • 3 hold (one's) head above water

    1) Общая лексика: удержаться на поверхности
    2) Макаров: едва перебиваться, едва сводить концы с концами

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > hold (one's) head above water

  • 4 ♦ water

    ♦ water /ˈwɔ:tə(r)/
    n. [uc]
    1 acqua: fresh water, acqua dolce; salt water, acqua salata; He fell into the water, cadde in acqua; drinking water, acqua potabile; tap water, acqua del rubinetto; stagnant water, acqua morta; acqua stagnante; running water, acqua corrente; distilled water, acqua distillata; hard water, acqua dura; soft water, acqua dolce; murky water, acqua torbida; pure water, acqua pura; shallow water, acqua bassa; DIALOGO → - Ordering food 1- Would you like still or sparkling water?, preferisce acqua liscia o frizzante?; water pollution, inquinamento delle acque (o idrico); water supply, rifornimento (o approvvigionamento) idrico
    2 (pl.) acque; distesa d'acqua; acque (termali): the waters of the Dead Sea, le acque del Mar Morto; to take the waters at Bath, fare la cura delle acque a Bath; coastal waters, acque costiere; uncharted waters, terreno inesplorato; (naut.) The fishing boat was sailing in Tunisian waters, il peschereccio navigava in acque (territoriali) tunisine
    3 (farm.) acqua aromatica
    4 (fisiol., med.) liquido corporeo; umore
    5 (pl.) (fisiol.) acque (fam.); liquido amniotico
    6 (naut.) marea: high [low] water, alta [bassa] marea; high [low] water mark, limite dell'alta [della bassa] marea
    7 ( di pietra preziosa) acqua; trasparenza
    water bag, otre □ water bailiff, funzionario di dogana ( in un porto); (stor.) guardiano della pesca □ (fisiol.) water balance, bilancio idrico □ (tecn.) water-base painting, pittura ad acqua; idropittura □ (pitt.) water-based paint, vernice a tempera □ water bath, bagnomaria □ water bearer, portatore d'acqua □ (astron., astrol.) the Water Bearer, l'Acquario ( costellazione e XI segno dello zodiaco) □ (geol.) water-bearing stratum, strato acquifero □ water bed, (geol.) falda freatica; ( anche) letto idrostatico, letto con materasso ad acqua □ (zool.) water bird, uccello acquatico □ water birth, parto in acqua □ water biscuit, galletta; cracker □ water blister, vescica acquosa ( sulla pelle) □ (zool.) water boa, anaconda □ (naut.) water boat, nave cisterna □ (zool.) water boatman ( Notonecta glauca), notonetta □ (fis. nucl.) water-boiler reactor, reattore ad acqua □ water bottle, bottiglia dell'acqua; ( anche mil.) borraccia; ( anche) borsa dell'acqua calda □ ( ciclismo) water bottle clip, portabottiglia □ (tecn.) water brake, freno dinamometrico idraulico □ (med.) water brash, pirosi, acidosi; bruciore di stomaco (fam.) □ water bucket, secchiello; (naut.) bugliolo □ (zool.) water buffalo ( Bubalus bubalis), bufalo indiano □ water bus, vaporetto ( in servizio regolare su un fiume, un lago, ecc.) □ water butt, botte per l'acqua ( piovana) □ water cannon, cannone ad acqua; idrante □ water carriage, (mezzi di) trasporto per via d'acqua □ water carrier, vettore fluviale (o marittimo); ( ciclismo) portatore d'acqua □ water cart, carro per il trasporto dell'acqua; annaffiatrice ( carro per innaffiare) □ (zool.) water cell, cella acquifera ( del cammello) □ (bot.) water chestnut ( Trapa natans), castagna d'acqua □ water chiller, refrigeratore dell'acqua potabile □ water chute, scivolo d'acqua □ water clock, grande orologio ad acqua □ water closet, water closet; gabinetto con sciacquone □ (tecn.) water-cooled, raffreddato ad acqua □ water cooler, (tecn.) raffreddatore d'acqua; ( anche) = water chiller ► sopra □ (tecn.) water cooling, raffreddamento ( di un motore, ecc.) ad acqua □ water company, azienda (di erogazione) dell'acqua □ (dial.) water crake = water rail ► sotto □ (mecc.) water crane, gru idraulica □ (zool., USA) water cricket ( Gerris), gerride □ (med.) water cure, idroterapia □ water diviner, rabdomante □ ( caccia) water dog, cane da palude; (fig.) amante dei bagni □ water drinker, bevitore d'acqua; astemio □ water engineer, tecnico dell'acqua □ water filter, filtro dell'acqua □ water finder, rabdomante □ (zool.) water flea ( Daphnia pulex), pulce d'acqua □ (zool.) water-fly, insetto acquatico □ water garden, giardino con vasche e fontane □ water gate, cateratta, saracinesca ( di chiusa) □ water gauge, indicatore di livello dell'acqua □ water glass, contenitore di vetro ( per bulbi); tubo di livello ( per caldaia); soluzione di silicato di sodio ( per affreschi o per conservare uova) □ ( cucina) water gruel, farina d'orzo bollita nell'acqua □ water guard, guardia di finanza portuale □ ( USA) water gun, pistola ad acqua (cfr. ingl. water pistol, sotto pistol) □ (idraul.) water hammer, colpo d'ariete ( dell'acqua) □ ( golf) water hazard, ostacolo d'acqua; fossatello □ ( USA) water heater, scaldaacqua; scaldabagno (cfr. ingl. geyser) □ (edil., elettr.) water heating system, scaldaacqua ( elettrico) □ (zool.) water hen ( Gallinula chloropus), gallinella d'acqua □ water hole, buca ( in un fiume); polla (o pozza) d'acqua □ water ice, sorbetto □ water ice lolly, ghiacciolo ( da succhiare) □ water intake, presa d'acqua ( di centrale idroelettrica) □ (mecc.) water jacket, camicia d'acqua ( di un motore, ecc.) □ water jug, brocca □ (ipp.) water jump, riviera; (salto del) fossato □ (mus.) water key, chiave idraulica ( di strumento a fiato) □ water level, livello dell'acqua, livello piezometrico; (naut.) livello del mare; ( anche) piano d'acqua ( nei porti); (geol.) livello freatico □ (bot.) water lily ( Nymphaea), ninfea □ water main, conduttura principale ( d'impianto idrico) □ water mattress, materasso ad acqua □ (agric.) water meadow, marcita □ (zool.) water measurer = water strider ► sotto □ water meter, contatore dell'acqua □ (bot.) water mint ( Mentha aquatica), menta acquatica □ (zool.) water moccasin ( Agkistrodon piscivorus), mocassino acquatico ( serpente velenoso nel sud degli USA) □ water monkey, giara dal collo sottile ( per mantenere fresca l'acqua) □ (mitol.) water nymph, ninfa delle fonti; naiade □ (fig.) the waters of forgetfulness, il fiume dell'oblio; il Lete □ ( Bibbia) water of life, fonte di vita spirituale □ (med.) water on the brain, idrocefalo □ (med.) water on the knee, sinovite □ (tecn.) water paint, pittura ad acqua; idropittura □ water parkwaterpark □ water pick®, idropulsore dentale ( macchinetta che pulisce i denti con getti d'acqua) □ water pipe, conduttura dell'acqua □ water pistol, pistola ad acqua □ water plane, (naut.) piano di galleggiamento; (aeron.) idrovolante □ (bot.) water plant, pianta acquatica; idrofita □ ( sport) water polo, pallanuoto □ water-polo player, pallanuotista □ (med.) water pox, varicella □ water pump, pompa da acqua; (autom., mecc.) pompa dell'acqua □ water purification, depurazione dell'acqua □ water purifier, depuratore dell'acqua □ (zool.) water rail ( Rallus aquaticus), porciglione □ water rat, (zool., Arvicola amphibius) topo d'acqua; (fig.) ladruncolo di porto □ water rate, tariffa per la fornitura idrica; bolletta dell'acqua □ water repellent, idrorepellente □ water repellent product, idrofugo □ (tecn.) water resistance, la resistenza dell'acqua □ (tecn.) water resistant, resistente all'acqua □ (med.) water retention, ritenzione idrica □ (leg.) water right, diritto d'utilizzazione dell'acqua (spec. per irrigazione) □ (zool.) water skater = water strider ► sotto □ ( sport) water ski, sci d'acqua, idroscì ( l'attrezzo) □ ( sport) water skier, idrosciatore; chi pratica lo sci nautico □ ( sport) water skiing, sci d'acqua, sci nautico (o acquatico), idroscì ( lo sport) □ water skin, ghirba □ (zool.) water snake, serpe d'acqua; biscia acquaiola □ water softener, addolcitore (o depuratore) d'acqua □ (tecn.) water soluble, idrosolubile □ water spaniel, cane spaniel addestrato al riporto in palude □ (zool.) water spider ( Argyroneta aquatica), argironeta ( ragno) □ water splash, ruscelletto che attraversa (o pozzanghera che sommerge parte di) una strada □ water sports, sport acquatici □ water-spout, tubo di scarico ( di grondaia, ecc.), cannella; (naut.) tromba marina □ water-stained, macchiato dall'umidità; ( arte) tinteggiato a tempera □ (zool., USA) water strider ( Gerris), gerride □ water surface, superficie dell'acqua □ water system, impianto idrico; (geogr.) sistema idrografico □ water table, (archit.) (cornicione) marcapiano; (geol.) superficie (o falda) freatica □ water tank, cisterna □ (med.) water test, prova dell'acqua □ water toothpick = water pick ► sopra □ water tower, serbatoio ( idrico) sopraelevato □ water transport, trasporto per via d'acqua (o su idrovie) □ water trap, sifone; pozzetto □ ( sci nautico) water tricks, evoluzioni idrosciistiche □ water tunnel, (costr.) galleria adduttrice ( di acquedotto); (tecn.) galleria idrodinamica □ (mecc.) water turbine, turbina idraulica □ (fis.) water vapour, vapore acqueo □ water vendor, venditore d'acqua; acquaiolo □ (zool.) water vole = water rat ► sopra □ water wagon, carro per il rifornimento dell'acqua □ water waving, (ind. tess.) marezzatura; ( dei capelli) ondulazione □ water well, pozzo idrico □ (mecc.) water wheel, ruota idraulica; noria □ water witch, rabdomante □ water witching, rabdomanzia □ above water, sopra il livello dell'acqua; a galla ( anche fig.) □ (naut.) to back water, remare all'indietro; frenare coi remi □ (fig.) a blunder of the first water, un errore madornale □ to bring the water to sb. 's mouth, far venire l'acquolina in bocca a q. by water, per via d'acqua; per mare, via mare; per via fluviale (o lacustre) □ (fig.) to cast (o to throw) one's bread upon the waters, far un'opera buona senza speranza di ricompensa □ (fam. USA) to cut off sb. 's water, fare abbassare la cresta a q.; sistemare q. to drink (o to take) the waters, fare la cura delle acque termali; bere le acque □ (fig.) to go through fire and water, affrontare i più gravi pericoli; passarne di cotte e di crude □ (fig.: di una teoria, ecc.) to hold water, reggere; sostenersi; essere valido □ (fam. USA) to hold one's water, stare calmo; portare pazienza; non agitarsi □ (relig.) holy water, acqua santa □ to be in deep water (o waters), essere in acque profonde; (fig.) trovarsi in difficoltà, essere nei guai □ (fig.) to be in [to get into] hot water, essere [cacciarsi] nei guai (o nei pasticci) □ to be in low water, essere in secca; (fig.) essere a corto di quattrini, essere al verde □ (fig. fam.) to be in smooth water (o waters), navigare in acque tranquille; aver superato la tempesta (la crisi, le difficoltà, ecc.) □ to keep one's head above water, tener la testa sopra il pelo dell'acqua; tenersi a galla; (fig.) evitare la rovina, il fallimento □ (fam.) to make (o to pass) water, fare acqua; orinare □ (fig.) to muddy the waters, confondere le acque; rendere incomprensibile □ (fig.) not to hold water, non reggere alle critiche; ( di una scusa, ecc.) non reggersi in piedi; fare acqua da tutte le parti □ on the water, in mare; a bordo; in viaggio ( via mare) □ (fig. fam.) to be on the water wagon, essere astemio □ (fig.) to pour cold water on st., gettare acqua sul fuoco (fig.); raffreddare gli entusiasmi □ to shed blood like water, versare sangue a torrenti; fare una grande strage □ to spend money like water, spendere e spandere; gettar denaro a piene mani; scialacquare □ (naut., ferr.) to take in water, fare la provvista dell'acqua; rifornirsi d'acqua □ to throw cold water on st., gettare acqua fredda su qc. ( anche fig.) □ under water, sott'acqua; coperto dall'acqua; inondato □ upon the water = on the water ► sopra □ well water, acqua di fonte (o di pozzo) □ ( di nome, fama, ecc.) written on water, scritto sull'acqua; presto dimenticato; fugace □ (prov.) Still waters run deep, le acque chete rovinano i ponti
    FALSI AMICI: water non significa water nel senso italiano di vaso del gabinetto. (to) water /ˈwɔ:tə(r)/
    A v. t.
    1 innaffiare, annaffiare; (agric.) irrigare: to water the garden [the streets], innaffiare il giardino [le strade]
    2 ( spesso to water down) annacquare; allungare; diluire; (fig.) mitigare, attenuare: to water wine, annacquare il vino; to water down a statement, attenuare un'affermazione
    3 abbeverare; dare da bere a ( animali): to water horses, abbeverare cavalli
    4 ( di fiumi, ecc.) bagnare: Ten States are watered by the Mississippi River, dieci Stati ( degli USA) sono bagnati dal fiume Mississippi
    6 (ind. tess.) marezzare: watered silk, seta marezzata
    B v. i.
    2 ( di locomotive, navi, ecc.) fare acqua; rifornirsi d'acqua
    3 ( degli occhi) lacrimare; velarsi di lacrime: My right eye is watering, mi lacrima l'occhio destro
    ● (chim.) to water a solution, diluire una soluzione □ to make sb. 's eyes water, far venire le lacrime agli occhi a q.; far piangere q. to make sb. 's mouth water, far venire l'acquolina in bocca a q.

    English-Italian dictionary > ♦ water

  • 5 water

    ['wo:tə] 1. noun
    (a colourless, transparent liquid compound of hydrogen and oxygen, having no taste or smell, which turns to steam when boiled and to ice when frozen: She drank two glasses of water; `Are you going swimming in the sea?' `No, the water's too cold'; Each bedroom in the hotel is supplied with hot and cold running water; ( also adjective) The plumber had to turn off the water supply in order to repair the pipe; transport by land and water.) voda
    2. verb
    1) (to supply with water: He watered the plants.) zaliti
    2) ((of the mouth) to produce saliva: His mouth watered at the sight of all the food.) sliniti se
    3) ((of the eyes) to fill with tears: The dense smoke made his eyes water.) solziti se
    - watery
    - wateriness
    - waterborne
    - water-closet
    - water-colour
    - watercress
    - waterfall
    - waterfowl
    - waterfront
    - waterhole
    - watering-can
    - water level
    - waterlily
    - waterlogged
    - water main
    - water-melon
    - waterproof
    3. noun
    (a coat made of waterproof material: She was wearing a waterproof.) dežni plašč
    4. verb
    (to make (material) waterproof.) napraviti nepremočljivo
    - water-skiing
    - water-ski
    - watertight
    - water vapour
    - waterway
    - waterwheel
    - waterworks
    - hold water
    - into deep water
    - in deep water
    - water down
    * * *
    I [wɔ:tə]
    voda, vodna površina; reka, morje; plural vodé, vodovje, voda, morje; slatina, mineralna voda; plima in oseka; chemistry vodna raztopina; technical vodni sijaj, blesk (na draguljih); spreminjanje barv (na tkanini); medicine seč, urin; solze; slina; znoj
    above water — nad vodo, plavajoč; figuratively finančno trden
    by water — po vodi, po vodni poti
    on the water — v čolnu, na ladji; na morju
    as a fish out of water figuratively kot riba na suhem
    in deep water(s) — v težavah, v neprilikah, v škripcih
    between wind and water figuratively na ranljivem mestu, v ranljivo mesto
    in low water figuratively (biti) v slabih razmerah, na suhem
    like water figuratively izdatno, potratno
    of the first water — (dragulj) prvega sijaja, najboljše vrste
    water bewitched colloquially zvodenela redka pijača (čaj, alkoholna pijača)
    water on the brain figuratively vodenoglavec
    high water — plima; figuratively vrhunec, kulminacija
    low water — oseka; figuratively najnižji nivó, najslabši rezultat
    mineral water — slatina, mineralna voda
    red water — krvav urin, seč
    strong water obsolete žganje
    written in water figuratively prehoden, kratkotrajen, na pesku zgrajen; ki se bo uresničil
    to be on the water — biti na ladji, na poti z ladjo
    to be in hot water — biti v nepriliki, v škripcih
    to be in smooth water — biti v ugodnih razmerah, uspevati
    to cast one's bread upon the waters — izkazati dobroto, ne da bi pričakovali zahvalo
    to fish in troubled waters figuratively v kalnem ribariti
    to get into hot water for — priti (zaiti) v neprilike (v stisko, v škripce)
    to make foul water nautical jadrati v plitvi vodi
    to pour oil on the waters figuratively izgladiti, poravnati, odstraniti zapreke; umiriti
    to spend money like water figuratively za prazen nič trošiti denar
    to throw cold water on figuratively posmehovati se (čemu), ohladiti, politi z mrzlo vodo; zmanjšati veselje ali navdušenje za; spodnesti, preprečiti, onemogočiti
    to take the water — (o ladji) biti splavljen, porinjen v vodo
    to take ( —ali to drink) the waters — piti mineralno vodo, zdraviti se s slatino ( at Radenciv Radencih)
    still waters run deep — tiha voda globoko dere (bregove podira);
    water balance technical libela
    water bus — vodni avtobus, hidrobus
    water ski — vodna smučka; intransitive verb smučati se na vodi
    II [wɔ:tə]
    transitive verb
    (po)škropiti ( streets — ceste); zalivati ( plants — rastline); namočiti, namakati, ovlažiti, napeljati vodo na; razredčiti z vodo, zvodeniti (milk, wine — mleko, vino); napojiti, napajati ( animals — živali); oskrbeti, oskrbovati z vodo ( an engine — stroj); economy povečati dolg ali kapital (podjetja) z izdajo novih delnic brez kritja; moarirati (tkanino)
    to water down — zvodeniti, razredčiti; figuratively omiliti, ublažiti
    to water down one's claims — ublažiti, zmanjšati svoje zahteve
    he watered his lecture — zavlačeval (razvlekel) je svoje predavanje; intransitive verb puščati vodo; liti solze, solziti se (oči); izločati vodo, slino; zmočiti se, ovlažiti se; napajati se, piti, iti se napajat (živali); oskrbeti se z vodo; piti mineralno (delati kuro z) zdravilno vodo, zdraviti se s slatino; hunting iti v vodo (pes)
    to make s.o.'s mouth water — napraviti, da se komu pocedijo sline
    my mouth watered (for, after) — sline so se mi pocedile (po, za)
    to water the stock economy izda(ja)ti nove delnice (brez povečanja glavnice), zvodeniti (delniški kapital)

    English-Slovenian dictionary > water

  • 6 hold

    A n
    1 (grasp, grip) prise f ; to get hold of attraper [rope, handle] ; to keep (a) hold of ou on tenir [ball, rail, hand] ; ⇒ catch, grab, grasp, seize, take ;
    2 ( possession) to get hold of se procurer [book, ticket, document] ; [press] avoir vent de [story] ; découvrir [details, information] ;
    3 ( contact) to get hold of ( by phone) joindre [person] ; ( by other means) trouver [person] ;
    4 ( control) emprise f (on, over sur) ; to have a hold on ou over sb avoir de l'emprise sur qn ; to get a hold of oneself se reprendre ;
    5 (storage, area) Aviat soute f ; Naut cale f ;
    6 Sport ( in wrestling) prise f ; to have sb in a hold faire une prise à qn ;
    7 (of hairspray, gel) fixation f ; normal/extra hold fixation normale/extra-forte.
    B vtr ( prét, pp held)
    1 ( clasp) tenir [object, hand, person] (above, over au-dessus de ; against contre) ; to hold sth in one's hand tenir qch à la main [brush, pencil, stick] ; ( enclosed) tenir qch dans la main [button, coin, sweet] ; to hold sth/sb by tenir qch/qn par [handle, stem, sleeve, leg] ; to hold one's stomach/head (in pain) se tenir l'estomac/la tête (à cause de la douleur) ; to hold sb (in one's arms) serrer qn dans ses bras ; to hold each other se serrer l'un contre l'autre ; can you hold my bag for me? tu peux me tenir mon sac? ;
    2 ( maintain) to hold one's head upright/still tenir sa tête droite/immobile ; to hold one's hands apart/still tenir ses mains écartées/immobiles ; to hold a pose/smile garder une pose/un sourire ; to hold sth in place ou position maintenir qch en place ; to hold one's speed maintenir sa vitesse ;
    3 ( arrange) organiser, tenir [meeting, talks] ; organiser [competition, ballot, demonstration, course, election] ; organiser, donner [party, reception] ; organiser, monter [exhibition, show] ; avoir [conversation] ; célébrer [church service] ; mener [enquiry] ; faire passer [interview] ; to be held avoir lieu ;
    4 ( have capacity for) [box, case, tank] (pouvoir) contenir [objects, amount] ; [theatre, room] avoir une capacité de [350 people] ; the bus holds ten (people) le bus a dix places ; to (be able to) hold one's drink ou liquor tenir l'alcool ;
    5 ( contain) [drawer, cupboard, box, case] contenir [objects, possessions] ;
    6 ( support) [shelf, fridge, branch, roof] supporter [weight, load, crate] ; the branch won't hold you la branche ne supportera pas ton poids ;
    7 ( restrain) [dam, wall] retenir, contenir [water, flood waters] ; [person] tenir [dog] ; maîtriser [thief] ; there is/there'll be no holding him fig on ne peut/pourra plus l'arrêter ;
    8 ( keep against will) [police, kidnappers] détenir [person] ; to hold sb prisoner/hostage garder qn prisonnier/en otage ;
    9 ( possess) détenir, avoir [shares, power, record, playing card] ; être titulaire de [degree, sporting title, cup] ; occuper [job, position] ; avoir, être en possession de [ticket, passport, licence] ; porter [title] ; Jur, gen [bank, computer, police, solicitor] conserver [document, information, money] ; avoir [mortgage] ;
    10 ( keep back) garder [place, seat, ticket] ; faire attendre [train, flight] ; mettre [qch] en attente [letter, order] ; hold it ! minute ! ; hold everything! arrête tout! ; two burgers, but hold the mustard! deux hamburgers, sans moutarde ;
    11 ( believe) avoir [opinion, belief] ; to hold sb/sth to be tenir qn/qch pour, considérer qn/qch comme ; to hold that [person] soutenir que ; [law, theory] dire que ; to hold sb liable ou responsible tenir qn pour responsable ;
    12 ( defend successfully) Mil tenir [territory, city, bridge] ; Pol, Sport conserver [title, seat, lead, position] ; ( in tennis) to hold one's serve ou service gagner or remporter son service ; to hold one's own [person] se défendre tout seul (against contre) ; [army] tenir bon (against devant) ;
    13 ( captivate) captiver [person, audience, class] ; capter, retenir [attention, interest] ;
    14 Telecom to hold the line patienter, rester en ligne ; can you hold the line please ne quittez pas s'il vous plaît ;
    15 Mus tenir [note] (for pendant) ;
    16 Aut to hold the road tenir la route.
    C vi ( prét, pp held)
    1 ( remain intact) [rope, shelf, bridge, dam, glue] tenir ; fig ( also hold good) [theory, offer, objection, law] tenir ;
    2 ( continue) [weather] rester beau/belle, se maintenir ; [luck] continuer, durer ;
    3 Telecom patienter ;
    4 ( remain steady) hold still! tiens-toi tranquille!
    D v refl ( prét, pp held) to hold oneself upright/well se tenir droit/bien.
    1 Telecom en attente ; to put sb on hold Telecom faire patienter qn ; to put a call on hold Telecom mettre un appel en attente ;
    2 to put one's plan/a project on hold gen laisser ses projets/un projet en suspens.
    hold against: to hold sth against sb reprocher qch à qn ; to hold it against sb that en vouloir à qn parce que ; I don't hold it against him/them je ne lui/leur en veux pas ; your age could be held against you ton âge pourrait jouer en ta défaveur.
    hold back:
    hold back se retenir ; to hold back from doing se retenir de faire, préférer ne pas faire ;
    hold [sb/sth] back, hold back [sb/sth]
    1 ( restrain) contenir [water, tide, crowd, animals] ; retenir [hair, tears] ; retenir [person] ; refouler [feelings] ; contenir [anger] ; to hold back one's laughter se retenir or s'empêcher de rire ;
    2 ( prevent progress of) ( involuntarily) [person] retarder [person, group] ; ( deliberately) [person] retenir [person] ; [background, poor education] gêner [person] ; entraver [production, progress, development] ;
    3 ( withhold) [person, government, organization] cacher [information, result] ; ( to protect privacy) tenir [qch] secret, ne pas divulguer [name, information, identity] ; [person, company] différer [payment].
    hold down:
    hold [sb/sth] down, hold down [sb/sth]
    1 ( prevent from moving) maintenir [qch] en place [tent, carpet, piece of paper] ; tenir, maîtriser [person] ;
    2 ( press down) appuyer sur [pedal, key] ;
    3 ( keep at certain level) limiter [number, rate, expenditure, costs, inflation] ; limiter l'augmentation de [wages, taxes, prices] ;
    4 ( keep) ( not lose) garder [job] ; ( have) avoir [job].
    hold forth péj disserter, pérorer pej (about, on sur).
    hold in:
    hold [sth] in, hold in [sth]
    1 ( restrain) réprimer, contenir [feeling, anger, disappointment] ;
    2 ( pull in) rentrer [stomach, buttocks].
    hold off:
    hold off [enemy] accorder un répit ; [creditors] accorder un délai ; I hope the rain holds off j'espère qu'il ne pleuvra pas ; the rain held off until after the match il s'est mis à pleuvoir après le match ; to hold off buying/making a decision reporter l'achat/la décision à plus tard ; he held off leaving until the weekend il a reporté son départ au week-end ;
    hold [sb] off, hold off [sb] tenir [qn] à distance [enemy, creditor, journalists] ; faire patienter [client] ;
    hold [sth] off repousser [attack].
    hold on:
    hold on
    1 ( wait) gen attendre ; Telecom patienter ; ‘hold on, I'll just get him’ ( on telephone) ‘ne quittez pas, je vais le chercher’ ;
    2 ( grip) tenir (with de, avec) ; ‘hold on (tight)!’ ‘tiens-toi (bien)!’ ;
    3 ( endure) [person, company] tenir ;
    hold [sth] on [screw, glue] maintenir [qch] en place ; to be held on with sth [door, handle, wheel] être maintenu par qch.
    hold on to [sb/sth]
    1 ( grip) s'agripper à [branch, railing, rope] ; s'agripper à, se tenir à [person] ; ( to prevent from falling) agripper, retenir [person] ; serrer [object, purse] ; (bien) tenir [dog] ;
    2 ( retain) conserver [power, title, lead] ; garder [shares, car] ; to hold on to one's dreams fig s'accrocher à ses rêves ; to hold on to one's ou the belief that persister à croire que ;
    3 ( look after) garder [object] (for pour).
    hold out:
    1 ( endure) tenir le coup, tenir bon ; to hold out against tenir bon devant [enemy, changes, threat] ;
    2 ( remain available) [supplies, food, stocks] durer ;
    hold [sth] out, holdout [sth] tendre [glass, money, ticket] (to à) ; to hold out one's hand/leg tendre la main/la jambe ;
    hold out [sth] garder, conserver [hope] ; I don't hold out much hope je ne me fais guère d'illusions, je n'ai plus beaucoup d'espoir ; they don't hold out much hope of finding him ils ont perdu presque tout espoir de le retrouver ; to hold out for insister pour obtenir [pay rise, increase] ; to hold out on sb cacher des choses à qn ; they know something, but they're holding out on us ils sont au courant mais ils nous cachent quelque chose.
    hold over:
    hold [sth] over, hold over [sth]
    1 ( postpone) ajourner [question, programme] ;
    2 ( continue to show) maintenir [qch] à l'affiche [film] ; prolonger [show, exhibition].
    hold to:
    hold to [sth] s'en tenir à [belief, opinion, decision] ;
    hold sb to [sth] faire tenir [qch] à qn [promise] ; faire honorer [qch] à qn [contract, offer] ; I'll hold you to that! je note!, je m'en souviendrai!
    1 ( not break) [car, shoes, chair] tenir ;
    2 ( remain united) [family, party] rester uni ; [alliance] rester intact ;
    hold [sth] together
    1 ( keep intact) faire tenir [car, machine, chair] ; maintenir ensemble [papers, pieces] ; to be held together with sth tenir avec qch ;
    2 ( unite) assurer la cohésion de [company, party, government] ; my mother held the family together la famille est restée unie grâce à ma mère.
    hold up:
    hold up
    1 ( remain intact) tenir, résister ; to hold up well [currency] résister ;
    2 ( remain valid) [theory, argument] tenir ;
    hold [sb/sth] up, hold up [sb/sth]
    1 ( support) soutenir [shelf, picture] ; tenir [trousers, stockings] ; to be held up by ou with sth tenir avec qch ;
    2 ( raise) lever [object] ; to hold one's hand up lever la main ;
    3 ( display) to hold sb/sth up as an example ou model of présenter qn/ qch comme un exemple de ; to hold sb up to ridicule tourner qn en ridicule, ridiculiser qn ;
    4 ( delay) retarder [person, flight] ; ralentir [production, traffic] ; arrêter, interrompre [procession] ;
    5 ( rob) attaquer [train, bank, person].
    hold with: not to hold with ne pas être d'accord avec [idea, system] ; être contre [television, imitations etc] ; he doesn't hold with teaching children French il est contre le fait qu'on enseigne le français aux enfants.

    Big English-French dictionary > hold

  • 7 hold

    hold [həυld]
    1. n
    1) владе́ние; захва́т;

    to take ( или to get, to catch, to seize, to lay) hold of smth. схвати́ть что-л., ухвати́ться за что-л.


    to let go ( или to lose) one's hold of smth. вы́пустить что-л. из рук

    2) то, за что мо́жно ухвати́ться; захва́т, ушко́; опо́ра
    3) власть, влия́ние ( часто on, over);

    to have a hold over a person ока́зывать влия́ние на кого́-л.

    4) спорт. захва́т (в борьбе, боксе)
    5) спосо́бность понима́ния; понима́ние
    6) муз. ферма́та
    2. v (held)
    1) держа́ть
    2) уде́рживать, сохраня́ть ( позицию и т.п.)
    3) содержа́ть в себе́, вмеща́ть;

    this room holds a hundred persons э́та ко́мната вмеща́ет сто челове́к

    4) занима́ть (пост, должность и т.п.);

    to hold a rank име́ть зва́ние, чин


    to hold office занима́ть пост

    5) владе́ть, име́ть;

    to hold land владе́ть землёй

    6) занима́ть ( мысли); овладева́ть ( вниманием);

    to hold smb. in thrall плени́ть, очарова́ть кого́-л.


    to hold the stage затми́ть остальны́х актёров; прикова́ть к себе́ внима́ние зри́телей

    7) выде́рживать, не поддава́ться
    8) проводи́ть ( собрание); устра́ивать ( мероприятие);

    to hold an event проводи́ть состяза́ние

    9) пра́здновать, отмеча́ть
    10) вести́ ( разговор)
    11) уде́рживать, заде́рживать; держа́ть ( в тюрьме)
    12) име́ть си́лу ( о законе); остава́ться в си́ле (о принципе, обещании; тж. hold good)
    13) держа́ться ( о погоде)
    14) полага́ть, счита́ть;

    I hold it good я счита́ю, что э́то хорошо́


    I hold him to be wrong я счита́ю, что он непра́в


    to hold smb. responsible возлага́ть на кого́-л. отве́тственность


    to hold smb. in esteem уважа́ть кого́-л.


    to hold smb. in contempt презира́ть кого́-л.

    15) сде́рживать, остана́вливать;

    to hold one's tongue молча́ть


    hold your noise! переста́нь(те) шуме́ть!

    16) резерви́ровать ( места и т.п.)
    а) сде́рживать(ся); возде́рживаться (from);
    б) ута́ивать;

    to hold back the truth скрыть пра́вду

    в) ме́шкать; колеба́ться;
    г) уде́рживать, вычита́ть ( из зарплаты и т.п.);
    hold by держа́ться ( решения); слу́шаться ( совета);
    а) держа́ть в подчине́нии;
    б) разг. удержа́ть, не потеря́ть;

    to hold down a job не потеря́ть ме́сто, удержа́ться в до́лжности

    а) предлага́ть;

    to hold forth a hope пода́ть наде́жду

    б) пренебр. рассужда́ть, разглаго́льствовать;
    hold in сде́рживать(ся);
    а) откла́дывать;
    б) держа́ть(ся) поо́даль;
    в) заде́рживаться;

    the rain held off till the evening дождь пошёл то́лько ве́чером

    а) держа́ться за что-л.;
    б) продолжа́ть де́лать что-л., упо́рствовать в чём-л.;

    hold on a minute! разг. останови́сь на мину́тку!

    а) протя́гивать; предлага́ть;

    to hold out hope дава́ть наде́жду

    б) выде́рживать, держа́ться до конца́;
    в) хвата́ть;

    how long will our supplies hold out? на ско́лько нам хва́тит на́ших запа́сов?

    а) откла́дывать, ме́длить;
    б) сохраня́ть, откла́дывать ( про запас);
    в) амер. переходи́ть в но́вый соста́в сена́та;
    а) держа́ться, приде́рживаться ( мнения и т.п.);
    б) наста́ивать;

    to hold smb. to his promise тре́бовать от кого́-л. выполне́ния обеща́ния


    to hold to terms наста́ивать на выполне́нии усло́вий

    а) подде́рживать, подпира́ть;
    б) держа́ть пря́мо, высоко́ ( голову и т.п.);
    в) выставля́ть, пока́зывать;

    to hold up to derision выставля́ть на посме́шище

    г) остана́вливать, заде́рживать;
    д) остана́вливать с це́лью грабежа́;
    а) (обыкн. в отриц. форме) одобря́ть;
    б) соглаша́ться; держа́ться одина́ковых взгля́дов

    to hold cheap не дорожи́ть; презира́ть


    hold hard! стой!; подожди́!


    to hold it against smb. име́ть прете́нзии к кому́-л., име́ть что-л. про́тив кого́-л.


    to hold one's hand воздержа́ться


    hold your horses ле́гче на поворо́тах; не волну́йтесь, не торопи́тесь


    to hold water быть логи́чески после́довательным


    it won't hold water э́то не выде́рживает никако́й кри́тики


    to hold out on smb. утаи́ть от кого́-л.

    hold [həυld] n
    мор. трюм

    Англо-русский словарь Мюллера > hold

  • 8 ♦ hold

    ♦ hold (1) /həʊld/
    n. [cu]
    1 presa: to keep hold of st., mantenere la presa su qc.; to catch hold of st., afferrare (o prendere) qc.; to relax one's hold, allentare la presa; (fig.) to relinquish one's hold on st., rinunciare a qc.
    2 stretta: That man has got a strong hold, quell'uomo ha una stretta (di mano) potente
    3 appiglio; punto d'appoggio; sostegno
    4 (fig.) presa (fig.); controllo; influenza; ascendente; autorità: Oliver Cromwell had a great hold over his followers, Oliver Cromwell aveva un grande ascendente sui suoi seguaci; to keep a hold of st., mantenere il controllo di qc.
    5 (fig.) contatto: to lose one's hold on reality, perdere il contatto con la realtà
    6 (fig.) possesso; padronanza; conoscenza
    7 carcere; prigione; guardina
    8 contenitore; vano; scomparto: luggage hold, vano dei bagagli; bagagliaio
    9 rifugio; ricovero; tana
    10 (mus.) corona
    12 ( lotta, judo) presa; immobilizzazione
    14 ( calcio, ecc.) presa ( del pallone)
    to get hold of st., afferrare qc.; procurarsi qc.: I must get hold of some more books on this subject, devo procurarmi degli altri libri su questo argomento □ to get hold of sb., (riuscire a) trovare q.; mettersi in contatto con q. □ (fig.) to have a hold over sb., tenere in pugno q.; avere i mezzi per tenere q. sotto controllo □ to lay hold of st., afferrare (o prendere) qc. to lose hold of st., lasciarsi sfuggire (di mano) qc.: The climber lost hold of the rope and fell, al rocciatore sfuggì di mano la corda e precipitò □ on hold, in lista d'attesa; (telef.) in attesa: to be on hold, essere in attesa (di parlare); to put a project on hold for a year, rinviare un progetto di un anno; to put sb. on hold, far restare in linea q. ( al telefono); DIALOGO → - Changing a hotel booking- I'll put you on hold while I check, la faccio attendere in linea mentre controllo □ (fig.) to take hold, fare presa; affermarsi; avere effetto; attecchire □ to take hold of, afferrare (o prendere) qc.; impossessarsi di qc. No holds barred, ( lotta) tutte le prese sono ammesse; (fig.) tutto è lecito; non vale nessuna regola.
    hold (2) /həʊld/
    (naut., aeron.) stiva
    ● (naut.) hold beam, baglio di stiva □ (aeron.) cargo hold, bagagliaio.
    ♦ (to) hold /həʊld/
    (pass. e p. p. held)
    A v. t.
    1 tenere; tenere fermo; trattenere; avere; detenere; possedere: to hold a baby in one's arms, tenere in braccio un bambino; They held the shoplifter until the police came, trattennero il taccheggiatore fino all'arrivo della polizia; to hold shares in a business, avere (o detenere, possedere) azioni d'una società commerciale; to hold a degree in economics, avere una laurea in economia; ( sport) to hold a record, detenere un primato; to hold land, possedere terreni; to hold extreme views, avere opinioni estremistiche
    2 ritenere; considerare; reputare: to hold sb. responsible for st., ritenere q. responsabile di qc.; attribuire a q. la responsabilità di qc.; He's held to be an honest man, è considerato (o reputato) un uomo onesto; He holds himself responsible for the misunderstanding, si ritiene responsabile del malinteso
    3 tenere; mantenere; conservare; non dare: A salad, please, but hold the dressing, un'insalata, prego, ma non mi dia la salsa; to hold a fort against the enemy, tenere (o mantenere) un forte contro il nemico; (polit.) to hold one's seat, mantenere il seggio
    4 contenere: This flat cannot hold all my furniture, questo appartamento non può contenere tutti i miei mobili
    5 tenere; fare; svolgere: to hold a meeting, fare (o tenere) una riunione; to hold a conversation [a discussion], fare una conversazione [un dibattito]; to hold a general election, tenere le elezioni (politiche); to hold classes, tenere (o fare) lezione; svolgere un corso
    6 ( anche to hold up) tenere su; sostenere: This pillar holds the platform, questo pilastro sostiene la piattaforma; to hold st. aloft, tenere alto (o sollevato) qc.
    7 tenere desto; tenere vivo ( l'interesse, l'attenzione, ecc.): He hasn't learnt yet how to hold his pupils' interest, non ha ancora imparato a tenere desto l'interesse degli allievi
    8 tenere avvinto; tenere desta l'attenzione di: The speaker held the audience, l'oratore teneva avvinto l'uditorio
    9 ( della polizia) fermare; trattenere; tenere in carcere: They held them for three days, li tennero in carcere tre giorni
    10 tenere (o avere) in serbo; riservare: Life holds many surprises, la vita riserva molte sorprese
    11 obbligare; vincolare: to hold sb. to his word, obbligare q. a mantenere la parola
    12 occupare, ricoprire ( una carica, ecc.)
    13 (spec. leg.) giudicare: He was held guilty, è stato giudicato colpevole
    14 (trasp.) tenere fermo, far aspettare ( un treno, un aereo, ecc. in partenza)
    15 (mus.) prolungare, filare, sostenere ( una nota)
    18 ( calcio, ecc.) parare
    B v. i.
    1 tenere; reggere; resistere: I don't think this rope will hold, non credo che questa corda tenga
    2 tenere; reggere; resistere nel tempo; durare: The favourable wind held for two days, il vento favorevole è durato due giorni; How long will oil prices hold?, quanto tempo reggeranno i prezzi del petrolio?
    3 mantenere la presa; stare (o restare) attaccato; fare presa; tenere: This glue won't hold, questa colla non tiene; Hold tight!, tienti stretto!
    4 (tel.) attendere in linea: DIALOGO → - Booking a room by phone- Could you hold please while I check?, le dispiace attendere in linea mentre controllo?
    5 (= to hold good) restare valido; rimanere: Their offer will hold until tomorrow, la loro offerta è valida fino a domani
    6 tenersi; comportarsi: to hold ( oneself) aloof, tenersi a distanza; comportarsi in modo distaccato; (fig.) essere altezzoso
    7 (naut.: dell'ancora, ecc.) fare presa; agguantare
    to hold sb. [st.] at bay, tenere a bada q. [qc.] □ to hold one's breath, tenere il fiato; trattenere il respiro; stare col fiato sospeso □ not to hold a candle to, non reggere il confronto con: Their products cannot hold a candle to ours, i loro prodotti non reggono il confronto con i nostri; fra i loro prodotti e i nostri non c'è paragone □ to hold a course, ( all'università, ecc.) tenere un corso; (naut., aeron.) tenere una rotta □ to hold court, tener corte; (fig.) tener banco □ to hold sb. [st.] dear, tenere (o avere) caro q. [qc.] □ (fam.) Hold everything!, fermi tutti!; un momento! □ to hold fast, bloccare; tenere fermo □ to hold fast to, tenersi stretto a, aggrapparsi a; (fig.) mantenersi fedele a; non rinnegare: The candidate urged the party to hold fast to its traditions, il candidato ha esortato il partito a non rinnegare le proprie tradizioni □ (mil.) to hold fire, smettere di sparare; cessare il fuoco □ to hold firm, tener duro; resistere □ (fig.) to hold the fort, avere temporaneamente il comando; mandare avanti la baracca ( subentrando temporaneamente ad altri) □ ( nelle corse) to hold the gap, mantenere il distacco □ ( anche leg.) to hold good, essere valido □ to hold one's ground, tenere il campo, difendersi bene; tener duro, resistere; non cedere; restare della propria opinione □ to hold one's hand, indugiare; trattenersi (dal punire q., ecc.) □ ( anche fig.) to hold sb. 's hand, tenere q. per mano □ to hold hands with sb., tenersi per mano: The two little girls were holding hands, le due bambine si tenevano per mano □ (fam.) Hold hard!, fermati!; aspetta! ( anche fig.) □ to hold one's head high, andare a testa alta; tenere alta la testa □ to hold sb. in suspense, tenere q. in ansia, sulla corda (fig.), sulle spine (fig.) □ Hold it!, ferma!; fermi!; un momento! □ to hold the line, tener duro, resistere, non cedere terreno (fig.); (telef.) restare in linea: DIALOGO → - On the phone- Can you hold the line please?, può rimanere in linea per favore? □ ( sport) to hold a match, disputare un incontro (o una partita) □ ( anche fig.) to hold one's nose, tapparsi (o turarsi) il naso □ to hold the office of chairman, ricoprire la carica di presidente □ (polit.) to hold office, essere in carica; restare al potere: The conservatives held office for six years, i conservatori sono rimasti al potere per sei anni □ to hold oneself, tenersi: They held themselves in readiness for the fight, si tenevano pronti al combattimento □ to hold one's own ( against), tener duro (nei confronti di); resistere, non cedere (a) □ (polit.) to hold a Parliament, convocare il parlamento □ to hold one's peace = to hold one's peace ► peace □ ( tennis) to hold ( one's) serve (o service), tenere il servizio □ to hold one's tongue = to hold one's tongue ► tongue □ to hold one's sides with laughter, tenersi la pancia dalle risa □ to hold still, stare fermo (o quieto): Hold still while I comb your hair, sta' fermo mentre ti pettino! □ to hold sb. still, tener fermo, trattenere q. □ (leg.) to hold sb. to bail, vincolare q. con il versamento d'una cauzione □ to hold sb. to his promise, far mantenere la promessa (o la parola) a q. to hold true, essere valido; valere; essere corretto: This principle holds true for ( o of) any scientific investigation, questo principio vale per ogni indagine scientifica □ to hold the view ( that), essere del parere (o d'avviso) (che) □ (fig. fam.) to be left holding the baby ( USA: the bag), restare col cerino acceso in mano; prendersi la patata bollente □ (fig.) not to hold water, ( di una scusa, un ragionamento, ecc.) non stare in piedi; fare acqua da tutte le parti □ (fig., fam.) Hold your horses!, adagio!; piano!; pianino!

    English-Italian dictionary > ♦ hold

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    I [həʋld] n мор.

    after [forward, main] hold - кормовой [носовой, главный] трюм

    1. [həʋld] n
    1. удерживание; захват; хватка

    to have hold of smth. - держать что-л.; держаться за что-л.

    to take /to get, to catch, to seize, to grip, to lay/ hold of smth. - а) брать; хватать; хвататься за что-л.; catch hold of this rope! - хватайся за эту верёвку!; б) добывать; завладевать чем-л.

    where did you get hold of that book? - где ты достал эту книгу?

    to get hold of a secret - узнать тайну, овладеть тайной

    to keep hold of /on/ smth. - не выпускать чего-л. из рук

    to let go /to leave, to lose, to release/ one's hold of /on/ smth. - выпустить что-л. из рук

    to lose one's hold on reality - оторваться от жизни; потерять чувство реальности

    2. ( часто on, over, upon) власть; влияние

    to get hold of smb. - приобрести власть над кем-л.

    after a moment of panic he got hold of himself - после минутной растерянности он овладел собой

    he has a great hold over his young brother - он имеет огромное влияние на своего младшего брата

    the law has no hold on him - по закону с ним ничего нельзя сделать; закону он не подвластен

    to keep a tight hold upon oneself - крепко держать себя в руках, владеть собой; не давать себе распускаться

    3. то, за что можно ухватиться; опора; захват, ушко

    the rock gives no hold for hand or foot - на скале не за что ухватиться и некуда поставить ногу

    4. хранилище, вместилище
    5. арх. тюрьма, место заключения; тюремная камера
    6. 1) убежище, укрытие, приют
    2) логово, берлога
    7. заказ, требование
    8. арх. арест; заключение в тюрьму
    9. арх. крепость
    10. спорт.
    1) захват ( борьба)
    2) держание мяча
    11. кино жарг. «холд», удавшаяся часть съёмки, произведённой в течение съёмочного дня
    12. муз. фермата
    13. спец. фиксация
    14. 1) ав. задержка ( вылета)

    there will be a hold on all takeoffs until the fog has dispersed - все вылеты отменяются (до тех пор), пока не рассеется туман

    2) косм. задержка при предпусковой подготовке

    scheduled [unscheduled] hold - плановая [внеплановая /непредвиденная/] задержка в операциях по предпусковой подготовке

    to keep a good hold of the land - мор. держаться близ берега

    to get hold of the land - мор. привязываться к берегу; опознавать берега

    2. [həʋld] v (held; held, уст. holden)
    1. держать

    to hold a pen [a brush, a spade] - держать перо [кисть, лопату]

    to hold smb. in one's arms - а) обнимать, держать кого-л. в своих объятиях; б) держать кого-л. на руках

    to hold fast to smth. - крепко держаться за что-л., вцепиться во что-л. [ср. тж. 4 и ]

    the wounded man was holding fast to the railings - раненый крепко держался за ограду

    only the goalkeeper may hold the ball in soccer - в футболе только вратарь может брать мяч в руки /касаться мяча руками/

    to hold a threat of disclosure over smb.'s head - держать кого-л. под угрозой разоблачения

    2. удерживать, сдерживать; задерживать; останавливать

    the driver could scarcely hold the horses - возница с трудом сдерживал лошадей

    to hold smb. from a rash venture - удержать кого-л. от необдуманного поступка

    to hold one's breath - затаить /сдерживать/ дыхание, не дышать

    to hold fire - воен. не открывать огонь; воздерживаться от ведения огня

    will they hold (up) the bus till we get there? - они задержат автобус до нашего прихода?

    there's no holding him - его невозможно удержать /остановить/; он не знает удержу

    3. владеть, иметь; быть владельцем, держателем

    the grandson now holds the estate and the title - теперь имение и титул перешли к внуку, теперь внук является владельцем имения и носителем титула

    4. удерживать; сохранять контроль (над чем-л.)

    to hold a fort [position] against the enemy - удерживать форт [позицию] от наступающего противника [см. тж. ]

    to hold the record - спорт. держать рекорд

    to hold (the) pace - спорт. держать скорость шага

    to hold fast - воен. стойко держаться [ср. тж. 1 и ]

    5. вмещать, содержать в себе

    will this suit-case hold all your clothes? - поместится ли вся твоя одежда в этот чемодан?

    the evening held a lot of surprises for us all - вечер был полон неожиданностей для всех нас

    sea-water holds many salts in solution - в морской воде содержится много солей в растворённом виде

    6. держать, хранить (что-л. где-л.)

    my money is held at the bank - мои деньги хранятся в банке; я держу свои деньги в банке

    7. 1) полагать, считать, находить

    I hold it good - я считаю, что это хорошо

    I hold him to be wrong [responsible for it] - я считаю, что он не прав [что он за это отвечает]

    to hold in esteem /in respect/ - уважать, относиться с почтением

    to be held in esteem /in respect/ - пользоваться уважением

    to hold in abhorrence - гнушаться; питать отвращение, омерзение

    to hold a thing to be impossible - считать что-л. невозможным

    we hold these truths to be self-evident - мы почитаем само собой разумеющимися следующие истины

    to be held worthy of smth. - считаться достойным чего-л.

    2) юр. признавать, решать; выносить (судебное) решение

    the court held that... - суд признал /решил, нашёл/, что...

    8. содержать под стражей; держать в тюрьме

    he was held on a charge of theft - он был задержан по обвинению в воровстве

    to hold prisoner [hostage] - держать в плену [заложником]

    to hold captive - а) держать в плену; б) привязывать (аэростат и т. п.)

    9. (of, from) уст. зависеть (от кого-л.); быть обязанным (кому-л. - правом, титулом)
    10. уст. подвергаться (чему-л.); терпеть, выносить (что-л.)
    11. уст. обязывать; вынуждать
    II А
    1. 1) выдерживать (тяжесть, напряжение)

    will the rope [the ice] hold? - выдержит ли верёвка [лёд]?

    this wall won't hold a hook bearing a heavy picture - на эту стену нельзя вешать тяжёлую картину на крюке

    2) поддерживать, держать; нести (тяжесть чего-л.)
    2. продолжаться, держаться, стоять (о погоде и т. п.)

    the fair weather is holding - стоит /держится/ ясная погода

    if the frost holds we shall have skating tomorrow - если мороз удержится, завтра можно будет кататься на коньках

    3. (тж. to hold good, to hold true) иметь силу ( о законе); оставаться в силе (о принципе, обещании)

    does the principle still hold good? - остаётся ли этот принцип в силе?

    the rule holds of /in/ all cases - правило применимо ко всем случаям

    to hold good in law - иметь законную силу, быть юридически обоснованным

    4. занимать (пост и т. п.)

    to hold a rank - иметь звание /чин/

    to hold office - а) занимать пост; б) быть у власти ( о партии)

    5. овладевать ( вниманием)

    to hold the attention of one's audience - заставить себя слушать, завладеть вниманием аудитории

    to hold an audience spellbound - приковать к себе внимание слушателей, зачаровать слушателей

    6. хранить, удерживать ( в памяти)

    I cannot hold all these details in my head /in my memory/ at once - я не могу сразу запомнить все эти подробности

    hold the traditions which you have been taught - библ. держите предания, которым вы научены

    7. придерживаться (взглядов, убеждений)

    to hold strange views - держаться странных взглядов; иметь странные убеждения

    8. резервировать (места, билеты и т. п.)

    we asked them to hold a room for us - мы просили их оставить для нас номер

    9. провести, устроить, организовать ( мероприятие)

    to hold a meeting [an election] - проводить собрание [выборы]

    the election was held in November - в ноябре прошли /состоялись/ выборы

    to hold a discussion [negotiations] - вести дискуссию [переговоры]

    to hold a reception [a press conference] - устроить приём [пресс-конференцию]

    to hold an examination - экзаменовать, проводить экзамен

    to hold correspondence - вести переписку, переписываться

    to hold a feast - пировать; устраивать пир

    to hold an inspection - инспектировать, проводить инспекцию

    to hold a service - церк. отправлять службу

    the college will hold classes today - в колледже сегодня будут (проводиться) занятия

    to hold an anniversary - отмечать /праздновать/ годовщину

    10. не пропускать ( жидкость), быть непроницаемым

    to hold water - не протекать, не пропускать воду (о лодке и т. п.) [см. тж. ]

    a leather bag will hold water but not petrol - в кожаном мешке можно держать воду, но не бензин

    11. зажимать, затыкать (нос, уши)

    when I spoke she held her ears - когда я говорил, она затыкала уши

    12. уст. биться об заклад, ставить ( ставку)
    13. зачать, понести ( о самке)
    II Б
    1. to hold smb., smth. in position держать кого-л., что-л. в каком-л. положении

    to hold oneself upright /erect/ - держаться прямо

    hold yourself still - не шевелитесь, не двигайтесь

    to hold oneself ready /in readiness/ (for smth.) - быть (всегда) готовым (к чему-л.)

    to hold one's head high - а) высоко держать голову; hold your head (up)! - выше голову!; б) задирать нос, важничать, заноситься

    to hold in place - прикреплять, держать

    to be held in place by smth. - держаться на чём-л.

    to hold in check - сдерживать, не пускать

    to hold the enemy in position /to his ground/ - воен. сковывать противника

    to hold on a point - спец. устанавливать в данной точке

    2. to hold back from smth. /from doing smth./, to hold off from smth. /from doing smth./, to hold back on smth. /on doing smth./ воздерживаться от чего-л.

    to hold off from beer - воздерживаться от пива, не пить пива

    buyers are holding back on purchases - ком. покупатели воздерживаются от закупок

    3. to hold to /by/ smth. твёрдо держаться, придерживаться чего-л.

    to hold to a belief [by a principle] - твёрдо держаться какого-л. убеждения [какого-л. принципа]

    to hold by /to/ an opinion - придерживаться мнения

    I still hold to my former views - я остаюсь при старом мнении, я не изменил своих взглядов

    I hold to what I have always said - я не отказываюсь от того, что всегда говорил

    to hold by what N. says - прислушиваться к мнению N.

    4. to hold smb. to smth. требовать от кого-л. соблюдения чего-л.

    to hold smb. to his promise - настаивать на выполнении кем-л. своего обещания

    to hold smb. to terms - настаивать на соблюдении условий

    5. to hold (up) with smth. одобрять что-л.; соглашаться с чем-л.

    the political principles that few would hold with - политические принципы, с которыми мало кто согласится

    my father did not hold up with farming - занятие фермерством не нравилось моему отцу

    6. to hold with smb.
    1) соглашаться с кем-л., придерживаться одинаковых взглядов с кем-л.

    I hold with you that this author is very talented - я, как и вы, считаю, что этот писатель очень талантлив

    2) одобрительно относиться к кому-л.

    I can't hold with him, he is insupportable - я его не переношу, он невыносим

    7. to hold in with smb. дружить с кем-л.
    8. to hold out for smth. стремиться к чему-л.

    to hold out for a higher wage offer [price] - добиваться более высокой зарплаты [цены]

    9. to hold on for some place держать путь куда-л.

    to hold copy - полигр. подчитывать ( корректуру)

    to hold the sprint - спорт. бежать с предельной скоростью

    to hold one's hand - воздержаться ( от действий); занять выжидательную позицию

    to hold hand - уст. а) помогать; б) состязаться; успешно соперничать

    hold fast /hard/! - а) стой!, подожди!; б) мор. стоп; [ср. тж. I 1 и 4]

    to hold one's own /one's ground/ - а) сохранять свои позиции, не сдаваться; he can hold his own against anyone - он может постоять за себя перед кем угодно; он может дать отпор любому; he can hold his ground with the older boys - он не уступает старшим мальчикам; б) сохранять достоинство, самообладание; не поддаваться (болезни и т. п.)

    the patient is holding his own - больной /пациент/ не теряет присутствия духа

    to hold water - выдерживать критику; быть убедительным, логичным, обоснованным (о гипотезе, утверждении и т. п.) [см. тж. II А 10]

    to hold it against smb. - иметь претензии к кому-л., иметь что-л. против кого-л.

    he never remembers my birthday but I don't hold it against him - он никогда не помнит о моём дне рождения, но я не обижаюсь на него (за это)

    to hold at bay см. bay2 I 2

    to be left holding the bag см. bag1 I

    to hold a brief см. brief I 2

    to hold smb. in (the hollow of one's) hand - держать кого-л. в кулаке, подчинить кого-л. полностью

    he is neither to hold nor to bind - с ним никто не может справиться, с ним сладу нет

    to hold in play - занимать (работой, развлечениями)

    hold your horses! - а) ≅ легче на поворотах!; не выходите из себя!; б) подождите!; не торопитесь!

    hold it! - а) подождите!; не торопитесь!; б) не двигайтесь!; не шевелитесь!

    to hold the stage - а) театр. жарг. приковывать к себе внимание зрителей; затмить остальных актёров; б) затмить всё, отодвинуть на второй план всё остальное; в) держаться на сцене, не сходить со сцены ( о спектакле)

    to hold one's tongue /one's peace/ - молчать, держать язык за зубами, прикусить язык

    hold your noise /your row, сл. your jaw/! - перестань(те) шуметь!, замолчи(те)!

    hold, enough! - уст. хватит!; замолчите!

    to hold the fort - а) занимать твёрдую позицию, не уступать; «держать оборону»; б) поддерживать нормальную жизнь; вести дела (в отсутствии кого-л.); [см. тж. I 4]

    a skeleton staff was left to hold the fort at the office on Saturdays - по субботам в учреждении оставались лишь немногие сотрудники для ведения необходимых дел

    hold the fort! - амер. держитесь!

    to hold cheap - ни в грош не ставить; не дорожить

    to hold smth. lightly - не придавать чему-л. значения

    to hold in store - готовить, предвещать

    we cannot tell what the future may hold (in store) for us - мы не знаем, что нам сулит будущее

    to hold one's sides with laughter - покатываться со смеху; хохотать до упаду

    hold the line! - не вешайте трубку!, не кладите трубку! ( по телефону)

    hold your hat! - разг. ≅ ну, теперь держись!

    НБАРС > hold

  • 10 hold

    cargo hold грузовой трюм hold власть, влияние (часто on, over); to have a hold over a person оказывать влияние (на кого-л.) hold быть владельцем hold вести (разговор) hold владение; захват; to take (или to get, to catch, to seize, to lay) hold (of smth.) схватить (что-л.), ухватиться (за что-л.) hold владеть, иметь; to hold land владеть землей hold владеть hold власть, влияние (часто on, over); to have a hold over a person оказывать влияние (на кого-л.) hold выдерживать hold юр. выносить приговор hold юр. выносить решение hold держать, владеть hold держать (в тюрьме) hold (held) держать hold держать hold держаться (о погоде) hold занимать (мысли); овладевать (вниманием); to hold (smb.) in thrall пленить, очаровать (кого-л.) hold занимать (пост, должность и т. п.); to hold a rank иметь звание, чин; to hold office занимать пост hold занимать (должность) hold спорт. захват (в борьбе, боксе) hold вчт. захват hold вчт. захватить hold иметь силу (о законе); оставаться в силе (о принципе, обещании; тж. hold good) hold иметь силу, оставаться в силе hold обязывать hold муз. пауза hold полагать, считать; I hold it good я считаю, что это хорошо; I hold him to be wrong я считаю, что он неправ hold полагать hold праздновать, отмечать hold признавать, решать, выносить решение (о суде) hold проводить (собрание); to hold an event проводить состязание hold проводить (собрание, конференцию, выборы и т.п.) hold сдерживать, останавливать; to hold one's tongue молчать; hold your noise! перестань(те) шуметь! hold склад. содержать hold содержать в себе, вмещать; this room holds a hundred persons эта комната вмещает сто человек hold сохранять hold способность понимания; понимание hold считать hold то, за что можно ухватиться; захват, ушко; опора hold суд. трюм hold мор. трюм hold удерживание hold удерживать (позицию и т. п.) hold удерживать hold юр. устанавливать hold вчт. фиксация hold занимать (пост, должность и т. п.); to hold a rank иметь звание, чин; to hold office занимать пост hold проводить (собрание); to hold an event проводить состязание hold back сдерживать(ся); воздерживаться (from) hold back удерживать, вычитать (из зарплаты и т. п.); hold by держаться (решения); слушаться (совета) hold back утаивать; to hold back the truth скрыть правду hold back утаивать; to hold back the truth скрыть правду hold back удерживать, вычитать (из зарплаты и т. п.); hold by держаться (решения); слушаться (совета) hold by way of security быть владельцем ценных бумаг hold down держать в подчинении hold down вчт. нажимать hold down удержать, не потерять; to hold down a job не потерять место, удержаться в должности hold down удержать, не потерять; to hold down a job не потерять место, удержаться в должности hold forth предлагать; to hold forth a hope подать надежду; hold in сдерживать(ся) hold forth рассуждать, разглагольствовать hold forth предлагать; to hold forth a hope подать надежду; hold in сдерживать(ся) hold with соглашаться; держаться одинаковых взглядов; одобрять; to hold cheap не дорожить; hold hard! стой!; подожди! hold forth предлагать; to hold forth a hope подать надежду; hold in сдерживать(ся) to hold (smb.) in esteem уважать (кого-л.); to hold (smb.) in contempt презирать (кого-л.) hold in custody закон.наказ. содержать под стражей hold in stock склад. хранить на складе hold занимать (мысли); овладевать (вниманием); to hold (smb.) in thrall пленить, очаровать (кого-л.) thrall: hold ист. рабство; to hold (smb.) in thrall пленить, очаровать (кого-л.) hold in trust юр. владеть на началах доверительной собственности trust: hold юр. доверительная собственность; имущество,управляемоепо доверенности; управление имуществом по доверенности; to hold in trust сохранять to hold it (against smb.) иметь претензии (к кому-л.), иметь (что-л.) против (кого-л.); to hold one's hand воздержаться hold владеть, иметь; to hold land владеть землей hold off задерживаться; the rain held off till the evening дождь пошел только вечером hold off удерживать; держать(ся) поодаль hold занимать (пост, должность и т. п.); to hold a rank иметь звание, чин; to hold office занимать пост office: to hold hold занимать пост; to leave (или to resign) office уйти с должности hold hold упр. исполнять обязанности hold on держаться (за что-л.) hold on продолжать делать (что-л.), упорствовать (в чем-л.) hold on a minute! разг. остановись на минутку! hold on to держаться за hold on trust юр. владеть на началах доверительной собственности to hold it (against smb.) иметь претензии (к кому-л.), иметь (что-л.) против (кого-л.); to hold one's hand воздержаться hold сдерживать, останавливать; to hold one's tongue молчать; hold your noise! перестань(те) шуметь! tongue: to hold one's hold, to keep a still hold in one's head молчать; держать язык за зубами; his tongue is too long for his teeth у него слишком длинный язык hold out выдерживать, держаться до конца hold out протягивать; предлагать; to hold out hope давать надежду hold out удерживать; задерживать hold out хватать; how long will our supplies hold out? на сколько нам хватит наших запасов? it won't hold water это не выдерживает никакой критики; to hold out (on smb.) утаить (от кого-л.) hold out протягивать; предлагать; to hold out hope давать надежду hold over откладывать, медлить hold over амер. переходить в новый состав сената hold over сохранять, откладывать (про запас) to hold (smb.) responsible возлагать (на кого-л.) ответственность responsible: hold hold быть ответственным to hold the stage затмить остальных актеров; приковать к себе внимание зрителей hold to держаться, придерживаться (мнения и т. п.) hold to настаивать; to hold (smb.) to his promise настаивать на выполнении (кем-л.) своего обещания; to hold to terms настаивать на выполнении условий hold to настаивать; to hold (smb.) to his promise настаивать на выполнении (кем-л.) своего обещания; to hold to terms настаивать на выполнении условий hold to настаивать; to hold (smb.) to his promise настаивать на выполнении (кем-л.) своего обещания; to hold to terms настаивать на выполнении условий hold up выставлять, показывать; to hold up to derision выставлять на посмешище hold up останавливать, задерживать hold up останавливать с целью грабежа hold up поддерживать, подпирать hold up выставлять, показывать; to hold up to derision выставлять на посмешище hold your horses = легче на поворотах; не волнуйтесь, не торопитесь; to hold water быть логически последовательным water: to hold hold быть логически последовательным; to make water дать течь (о корабле) to hold hold выдерживать критику (о теории и т. п.) to hold hold не пропускать воду hold with соглашаться; держаться одинаковых взглядов; одобрять; to hold cheap не дорожить; hold hard! стой!; подожди! hold your horses = легче на поворотах; не волнуйтесь, не торопитесь; to hold water быть логически последовательным hold сдерживать, останавливать; to hold one's tongue молчать; hold your noise! перестань(те) шуметь! hold out хватать; how long will our supplies hold out? на сколько нам хватит наших запасов? hold полагать, считать; I hold it good я считаю, что это хорошо; I hold him to be wrong я считаю, что он неправ hold полагать, считать; I hold it good я считаю, что это хорошо; I hold him to be wrong я считаю, что он неправ it won't hold water это не выдерживает никакой критики; to hold out (on smb.) утаить (от кого-л.) to let go (или to lose) one's hold (of smth.) выпустить (что-л.) из рук hold off задерживаться; the rain held off till the evening дождь пошел только вечером refrigerated cargo hold морозильный грузовой трюм refrigerated cargo hold рефрижераторный грузовой трюм hold владение; захват; to take (или to get, to catch, to seize, to lay) hold (of smth.) схватить (что-л.), ухватиться (за что-л.) hold содержать в себе, вмещать; this room holds a hundred persons эта комната вмещает сто человек track hold вчт. блокировка дорожки

    English-Russian short dictionary > hold

  • 11 hold

    I noun
    (of ship) Laderaum, der; (of aircraft) Frachtraum, der
    II 1. transitive verb,
    1) (grasp) halten; (carry) tragen; (keep fast) festhalten
    2) (support) [tragendes Teil:] halten, stützen, tragen [Decke, Dach usw.]; aufnehmen [Gewicht, Kraft]
    3) (keep in position) halten
    4) (grasp to control) halten [Kind, Hund, Zügel]
    5) (keep in particular attitude)

    hold oneself ready or in readiness — sich bereit od. in Bereitschaft halten

    hold one's head high(fig.) (be confident) selbstbewusst sein od. auftreten; (be proud) den Kopf hoch tragen

    6) (contain) enthalten; bergen [Gefahr, Geheimnis]; (be able to contain) fassen [Liter, Personen usw.]

    the room holds ten peoplein dem Raum haben 10 Leute Platz; der Raum bietet 10 Leuten Platz

    hold water[Behälter:] wasserdicht sein; Wasser halten; (fig.) [Argument, Theorie:] stichhaltig sein, hieb- und stichfest sein

    7) (not be intoxicated by)

    he can/can't hold his drink or liquor — er kann etwas/nichts vertragen

    8) (possess) besitzen; haben
    9) (have gained) halten [Rekord]; haben [Diplom, Doktorgrad]
    10) (keep possession of) halten [Stützpunkt, Stadt, Stellung]; (Mus.): (sustain) [aus]halten [Ton]

    hold one's own(fig.) sich behaupten

    hold one's position(fig.) auf seinem Standpunkt beharren

    11) (occupy) innehaben, (geh.) bekleiden [Posten, Amt, Stellung]

    hold officeim Amt sein

    hold the line(Teleph.) am Apparat bleiben

    12) (engross) fesseln, (geh.) gefangen halten [Aufmerksamkeit, Publikum]
    13) (keep in specified condition) halten

    hold the ladder steady — die Leiter festhalten; see also academic.ru/5877/bay">bay III 1.; ransom 1.

    14) (detain) (in custody) in Haft halten, festhalten; (imprison) festsetzen; inhaftieren; (arrest) festnehmen
    15) (oblige to adhere)

    hold somebody to the terms of the contract/to a promise — darauf bestehen, dass jemand sich an die Vertragsbestimmungen hält/dass jemand ein Versprechen hält od. einlöst

    hold one's opponent [to a draw] — ein Unentschieden [gegen den Gegner] halten od. verteidigen

    17) (cause to take place) stattfinden lassen; abhalten [Veranstaltung, Konferenz, Gottesdienst, Sitzung, Prüfung]; veranstalten [Festival, Auktion]; austragen [Meisterschaften]; führen [Unterhaltung, Gespräch, Korrespondenz]; durchführen [Untersuchung]; geben [Empfang]; halten [Vortrag, Rede]
    18) (restrain) [fest]halten

    hold one's fire — [noch] nicht schießen; (fig.): (refrain from criticism) mit seiner Kritik zurückhalten

    19) (coll.): (withhold) zurückhalten

    hold it! — [einen] Moment mal!; see also horse 1)

    20) (think, believe)

    hold a view or an opinion — eine Ansicht haben (on über + Akk.)

    hold that... — dafürhalten, dass...; der Ansicht sein, dass...

    hold somebody/oneself guilty/blameless — jemanden/sich für schuldig/unschuldig halten ( for an + Dat.)

    hold something against somebody — jemandem etwas vorwerfen; see also dear 1. 1); responsible 1)

    2. intransitive verb,
    1) (not give way) [Seil, Nagel, Anker, Schloss, Angeklebtes:] halten; [Damm:] [stand]halten
    2) (remain unchanged) anhalten; [an]dauern; [Wetter:] sich halten, so bleiben; [Angebot, Versprechen:] gelten

    hold to something — bei etwas bleiben; an etwas (Dat.) festhalten

    hold [good or true] — gelten; Gültigkeit haben

    3. noun
    1) (grasp) Griff, der

    grab or seize hold of something — etwas ergreifen

    get or lay or take hold of something — etwas fassen od. packen

    take hold(fig.) sich durchsetzen; [Krankheit:] fortschreiten

    get hold of something(fig.) etwas bekommen od. auftreiben

    get hold of somebody(fig.) jemanden erreichen

    have a hold over somebody — jemanden in der Hand halten; see also catch 1. 1)

    2) (influence) Einfluss, der (on, over auf + Akk.)
    3) (Sport) Griff, der

    there are no holds barred(fig.) alles ist erlaubt

    4) (thing to hold by) Griff, der

    put on holdauf Eis legen [Plan, Programm]

    Phrasal Verbs:
    - hold back
    - hold down
    - hold forth
    - hold off
    - hold on
    - hold out
    - hold over
    - hold up
    - hold with
    * * *
    I 1. [həuld] past tense, past participle - held; verb
    1) (to have in one's hand(s) or between one's hands: He was holding a knife; Hold that dish with both hands; He held the little boy's hand; He held the mouse by its tail.) halten
    2) (to have in a part, or between parts, of the body, or between parts of a tool etc: He held the pencil in his teeth; She was holding a pile of books in her arms; Hold the stamp with tweezers.) halten
    3) (to support or keep from moving, running away, falling etc: What holds that shelf up?; He held the door closed by leaning against it; Hold your hands above your head; Hold his arms so that he can't struggle.) halten
    4) (to remain in position, fixed etc when under strain: I've tied the two pieces of string together, but I'm not sure the knot will hold; Will the anchor hold in a storm?) halten
    5) (to keep (a person) in some place or in one's power: The police are holding a man for questioning in connection with the murder; He was held captive.) festhalten
    6) (to (be able to) contain: This jug holds two pints; You can't hold water in a handkerchief; This drawer holds all my shirts.) (ent)halten
    7) (to cause to take place: The meeting will be held next week; We'll hold the meeting in the hall.) abhalten
    8) (to keep (oneself), or to be, in a particular state or condition: We'll hold ourselves in readiness in case you send for us; She holds herself very erect.) halten
    9) (to have or be in (a job etc): He held the position of company secretary for five years.) beibehalten
    10) (to think strongly; to believe; to consider or regard: I hold that this was the right decision; He holds me( to be) responsible for everyone's mistakes; He is held in great respect; He holds certain very odd beliefs.) die Aussicht haben
    11) (to continue to be valid or apply: Our offer will hold until next week; These rules hold under all circumstances.) gelten
    12) ((with to) to force (a person) to do something he has promised to do: I intend to hold him to his promises.) festhalten
    13) (to defend: They held the castle against the enemy.) (stand)halten
    14) (not to be beaten by: The general realized that the soldiers could not hold the enemy for long.) standhalten
    15) (to keep (a person's attention): If you can't hold your pupils' attention, you can't be a good teacher.) fesseln
    16) (to keep someone in a certain state: Don't hold us in suspense, what was the final decision?) abhalten
    17) (to celebrate: The festival is held on 24 June.) innehaben
    18) (to be the owner of: He holds shares in this company.) sich halten
    19) ((of good weather) to continue: I hope the weather holds until after the school sports.) warten
    20) ((also hold the line) (of a person who is making a telephone call) to wait: Mr Brown is busy at the moment - will you hold or would you like him to call you back?) aushalten
    21) (to continue to sing: Please hold that note for four whole beats.) aufbewahren
    22) (to keep (something): They'll hold your luggage at the station until you collect it.) bringen
    23) ((of the future) to be going to produce: I wonder what the future holds for me?)
    2. noun
    1) (the act of holding: He caught/got/laid/took hold of the rope and pulled; Keep hold of that rope.) der Halt
    2) (power; influence: He has a strange hold over that girl.) die Gewalt
    3) ((in wrestling etc) a manner of holding one's opponent: The wrestler invented a new hold.) der Griff
    - -holder
    - hold-all
    - get hold of
    - hold back
    - hold down
    - hold forth
    - hold good
    - hold it
    - hold off
    - hold on
    - hold out
    - hold one's own
    - hold one's tongue
    - hold up
    - hold-up
    - hold with
    II [həuld] noun
    ((in ships) the place, below the deck, where cargo is stored.) der Schiffsraum
    * * *
    [həʊld, AM hoʊld]
    I. NOUN
    1. (grasp, grip) Halt m kein pl
    to catch [or grab] [or get [a]] [or take [a]] \hold of sb/sth jdn/etw ergreifen
    grab \hold of my hand and I'll pull you up nimm meine Hand und ich ziehe dich hoch
    I just managed to grab \hold of Lucy before she fell in the pool ich konnte Lucy gerade noch schnappen, bevor sie in den Pool fiel fam
    to keep \hold of sth etw festhalten
    sb loses \hold of sth jdm entgleitet etw
    sb loses \hold of the reins jdm gleiten die Zügel aus der Hand
    2. ( fig)
    to take \hold of sth custom, fashion auf etw akk überschwappen fam; fire, epidemic, disease auf etw akk übergreifen
    3. (esp climbing) Halt m kein pl
    it's a difficult mountain to climb as there aren't many \holds der Berg ist schwierig zu erklettern, weil in der Wand nicht viele Griffe sind
    to lose one's \hold den Halt verlieren
    4. (wrestling, martial arts) Griff m
    no \holds barred contest Wettbewerb, bei dem alle Griffe erlaubt sind
    to break free from sb's \hold sich akk aus jds Griff befreien
    to loosen one's \hold on sb/sth den Griff an jdm/etw lockern
    to release one's \hold on sb/sth jdn/etw loslassen
    to be on \hold in der Warteschleife sein
    to put sb on \hold jdn in die Warteschleife schalten
    his phone is engaged, can I put you on \hold? bei ihm ist besetzt, wollen Sie warten?
    6. (delay)
    to be on \hold auf Eis liegen fig
    to put sth on \hold etw auf Eis legen fig
    can we put this discussion on \hold until tomorrow? können wir diese Diskussion auf morgen verschieben?
    7. (control, influence) Kontrolle f
    the allies maintained their \hold on the port throughout the war die Alliierten hielten den Hafen während des gesamten Krieges besetzt
    get \hold of yourself! reiß dich zusammen! fam
    to lose one's \hold on life mit dem Leben nicht mehr fertigwerden
    to lose one's \hold on reality den Sinn für die Realität verlieren
    to have a [strong] \hold on [or over] sb [starken] Einfluss auf jdn haben
    he hasn't got any \hold over [or on] me er kann mir nichts anhaben
    no \holds barred ohne jegliches Tabu
    when he argues with his girlfriend there are no \holds barred wenn er mit seiner Freundin streitet, kennt er kein Pardon
    9. ( fig: find)
    to get \hold of sb/sth jdn/etw auftreiben fam
    I'll get \hold of some crockery for the picnic ich besorge Geschirr für das Picknick
    I'll get \hold of John if you phone the others wenn du die anderen anrufst, versuche ich, John zu erreichen
    to get \hold of information Informationen sammeln
    to get \hold of sth etw verstehen
    to get \hold of the wrong idea etw falsch verstehen
    don't get \hold of the wrong idea versteh mich nicht falsch
    the student already has a good \hold of the subject der Student weiß bereits recht gut über das Thema Bescheid
    11. FASHION of hairspray, mousse Halt m kein pl
    normal/strong/extra strong \hold normaler/starker/extrastarker Halt
    12. NAUT, AVIAT Frachtraum m
    13. COMPUT Halteimpuls m
    <held, held>
    1. (grasp, grip)
    to \hold sb/sth [tight [or tightly]] jdn/etw [fest]halten
    to \hold sb in one's arms jdn in den Armen halten
    to \hold the door open for sb jdm die Tür aufhalten
    to \hold a gun eine Waffe [in der Hand] halten
    to \hold hands Händchen halten fam
    to \hold sb's hand jds Hand halten
    to \hold sth in one's hand etw in der Hand halten
    to \hold one's nose sich dat die Nase zuhalten
    to \hold sth in place etw halten; AUTO
    to \hold the road eine gute Straßenlage haben
    the latest model \holds the road well when cornering das neueste Modell weist in den Kurven gutes Fahrverhalten auf
    to \hold one's sides with laughter sich dat die Seiten vor Lachen halten, sich akk vor Lachen krümmen
    to \hold sb/sth jdn/etw [aus]halten [o tragen]
    will the rope \hold my weight? wird das Seil mein Gewicht aushalten?
    to \hold one's head high ( fig) erhobenen Hauptes dastehen
    to \hold one's peace ( fig) den Mund halten fam
    to \hold oneself badly sich akk gehenlassen fam
    to \hold oneself in readiness sich akk bereithalten
    to \hold oneself upright sich akk gerade halten
    to \hold oneself well sich akk gut halten
    to \hold sb's attention [or interest] jdn fesseln
    to \hold sb [in custody]/hostage/prisoner jdn in Haft/als Geisel/gefangen halten
    to be able to \hold one's drink [or AM also liquor] Alkohol vertragen
    to \hold [on to] the lead in Führung bleiben
    to \hold sb to ransom jdn bis zur Zahlung eines Lösegelds gefangen halten
    to \hold one's course seinen Kurs [beibe]halten a. fig
    to \hold course for sth NAUT, AVIAT auf etw akk Kurs nehmen
    to \hold a note einen Ton halten
    to \hold the prices at an acceptable level die Preise auf einem vernünftigen Niveau halten
    to \hold one's serve SPORT den Aufschlag halten
    sth is \holding its value pictures, antiques etw behält seinen Wert
    to \hold sb to his/her word jdn beim Wort nehmen
    6. (delay, stop)
    to \hold sth etw zurückhalten
    we'll \hold lunch until you get here wir warten mit dem Essen, bis du hier bist
    will you \hold my calls for the next half hour, please? können Sie bitte die nächste halbe Stunde niemanden durchstellen?
    she's on the phone at the moment, will you \hold the line? sie spricht gerade, möchten Sie warten [o fam dranbleiben]?
    we'll \hold the front page until we have all the details wir halten die erste Seite frei, bis wir alle Einzelheiten haben
    \hold everything! (when sth occurs to sb) stopp!, warte!; (when sceptical) moment mal fam
    \hold it [right there]! stopp!
    ok, \hold it! PHOT gut, bleib so!
    to \hold sth in abeyance etw ruhenlassen
    to \hold one's breath die Luft anhalten
    he said he'd finish the report by tomorrow but I'm not \holding my breath ( fig) er sagte, er würde den Bericht bis morgen fertig machen, aber ich verlasse mich lieber nicht darauf
    to \hold one's fire MIL das Feuer einstellen, nicht gleich sein ganzes Pulver verschießen fig fam
    \hold your fire! nicht schießen!; ( fig)
    stop shouting at me and \hold your fire! hör auf mich anzubrüllen und reg dich ab! fam
    to \hold confiscated goods/a parcel konfiszierte Waren/ein Paket einbehalten
    to \hold sth bottle, glass, box etw fassen; COMPUT etw speichern
    one bag won't \hold all of the shopping der Einkauf passt nicht in eine Tüte
    this room \holds 40 people dieser Raum bietet 40 Personen Platz
    the CD rack \holds 100 CDs in den CD-Ständer passen 100 CDs
    my brain can't \hold so much information at one time ich kann mir nicht so viel auf einmal merken
    this hard disk \holds 13 gigabytes diese Festplatte hat ein Speichervolumen von 13 Gigabyte
    8. (involve)
    to \hold sth for sth für jdn mit etw dat verbunden sein
    fire seems to \hold a fascination for most people Feuer scheint auf die meisten Menschen eine Faszination auszuüben
    death \holds no fear for her der Tod macht ihr keine Angst
    sth \holds many disappointments/surprises etw hält viele Enttäuschungen/Überraschungen bereit
    to \hold land Land besitzen
    to \hold that... der Meinung sein, dass...
    * * *
    hold1 [həʊld] s FLUG, SCHIFF Lade-, Frachtraum m
    hold2 [həʊld]
    A s
    1. Halt m, Griff m:
    catch ( oder get, lay, seize, take) hold of sth etwas ergreifen oder in die Hand bekommen oder zu fassen bekommen oder umg erwischen;
    get hold of sb jemanden erwischen,;
    I couldn’t get hold of the money ich konnte das Geld nicht auftreiben;
    keep hold of festhalten;
    let go ( oder quit) one’s hold of sth etwas loslassen;
    miss one’s hold danebengreifen
    2. Halt m, Griff m, Stütze f:
    afford no hold keinen Halt bieten;
    lose one’s hold den Halt verlieren
    3. Ringen: Griff m:
    (with) no holds barred fig mit allen Mitteln oder Tricks;
    in politics no holds are barred fig in der Politik wird mit harten Bandagen gekämpft
    4. (on, over, of) Gewalt f, Macht f (über akk), Einfluss m (auf akk):
    get a hold on sb jemanden unter seinen Einfluss oder in seine Macht bekommen;
    get hold of o.s. sich in die Gewalt bekommen;
    have a (firm) hold on sb jemanden in seiner Gewalt haben, jemanden beherrschen;
    lose hold of o.s. die Fassung verlieren
    5. US Einhalt m:
    put a hold on sth etwas stoppen
    6. US Haft f, Gewahrsam m
    7. MUS Fermate f, Haltezeichen n
    8. Raumfahrt: Unterbrechung f des Countdown
    a) fig etwas auf Eis legen,
    b) TEL jemanden auf Warten schalten
    10. obs Festung f
    B v/t prät und pperf held [held], pperf JUR oder obs auch holden [ˈhəʊldən]
    1. (fest)halten:
    hold sb’s hand jemanden an der Hand halten;
    the goalkeeper failed to hold the ball (Fußball) der Torhüter konnte den Ball nicht festhalten
    2. sich die Nase, die Ohren zuhalten:
    hold one’s nose( ears)
    3. ein Gewicht etc tragen, (aus)halten
    4. (in einem Zustand etc) halten:
    hold o.s. erect sich gerade halten;
    hold (o.s.) ready (sich) bereithalten;
    the way he holds himself (so) wie er sich benimmt;
    with one’s head held high hoch erhobenen Hauptes
    5. (zurück-, ein)behalten:
    hold the shipment die Sendung zurück(be)halten;
    hold the mustard (im Restaurant etc) bes US (bitte) ohne Senf
    6. zurück-, abhalten ( beide:
    from von), an-, aufhalten, im Zaume halten, zügeln:
    hold sb from doing sth jemanden davon abhalten, etwas zu tun;
    there is no holding him er ist nicht zu halten oder zu bändigen oder zu bremsen;
    hold the enemy den Feind aufhalten
    7. US
    a) festnehmen:
    b) in Haft halten
    8. SPORT sich erfolgreich gegen einen Gegner verteidigen
    9. jemanden festlegen (to auf akk):
    hold sb to his word jemanden beim Wort nehmen
    10. a) Wahlen, eine Versammlung, eine Pressekonferenz etc abhalten
    b) ein Fest etc veranstalten
    c) eine Rede halten
    d) SPORT eine Meisterschaft etc austragen
    11. einen Kurs etc beibehalten:
    hold prices at the same level die Preise (auf dem gleichen Niveau) halten;
    hold the pace SPORT das Tempo halten
    12. Alkohol vertragen:
    hold one’s liquor ( oder drink) well eine ganze Menge vertragen;
    he can’t hold his liquor er verträgt nichts
    13. a) MIL und fig eine Stellung halten, behaupten:
    hold one’s own (with) sich behaupten (gegen), bestehen (neben);
    hold the stage fig die Szene beherrschen, im Mittelpunkt stehen (Person); fort 1, ground1 A 7, stage A 3
    b) Tennis: seinen Aufschlag halten, durchbringen
    14. innehaben:
    a) Land, Rechte etc besitzen: account C 1
    b) ein Amt etc bekleiden
    15. einen Platz etc einnehmen, (inne)haben, einen Rekord halten:
    hold an academic degree einen akademischen Titel führen
    16. fassen:
    a) enthalten:
    b) Platz bieten für, unterbringen:
    this hall holds 800 in diesen Saal gehen 800 Personen
    17. enthalten, fig auch zum Inhalt haben:
    the room holds period furniture das Zimmer ist mit Stilmöbeln eingerichtet;
    the place holds many memories der Ort ist voll von Erinnerungen;
    each picture holds a memory mit jedem Bild ist eine Erinnerung verbunden;
    it holds no pleasure for him er findet kein Vergnügen daran;
    life holds many surprises das Leben ist voller Überraschungen
    18. Bewunderung, Sympathie etc hegen, haben ( beide:
    for für):
    hold no prejudice kein Vorurteil haben
    19. behaupten:
    hold (the view) that … die Ansicht vertreten oder der Ansicht sein, dass …
    20. halten für, betrachten als:
    I hold him to be a fool ich halte ihn für einen Narren;
    it is held to be wise man hält es für klug ( to do zu tun)
    21. halten:
    hold sb dear jemanden lieb haben;
    hold sb responsible jemanden verantwortlich machen; contempt 1, esteem B
    22. besonders JUR entscheiden ( that dass)
    23. die Zuhörer etc fesseln, in Spannung halten:
    hold sb’s attention jemandes Aufmerksamkeit fesseln oder wachhalten
    24. US ein Hotelzimmer etc reservieren
    25. hold to US beschränken auf (akk)
    a) jemandem etwas vorhalten oder vorwerfen,
    b) jemandem etwas übel nehmen oder nachtragen
    27. US jemandem (aus)reichen:
    28. MUS einen Ton (aus)halten
    29. hold sth over sb jemanden mit etwas einschüchtern oder erpressen
    C v/i
    1. halten, nicht (zer)reißen oder (zer)brechen
    2. stand-, aushalten, sich halten
    3. (sich) festhalten (by, to an dat)
    4. bleiben:
    hold on one’s course seinen Kurs weiterverfolgen;
    hold on one’s way seinen Weg weitergehen;
    hold onto hold on 1, 2, 7; fast2 B
    5. sich verhalten:
    hold still stillhalten
    6. sein Recht ableiten (of, from von)
    7. auch hold good (weiterhin) gelten, gültig sein oder bleiben:
    the rule holds of ( oder in) all cases die Regel gilt in allen Fällen
    8. anhalten, andauern:
    my luck held das Glück blieb mir treu
    9. einhalten:
    hold! halt!
    10. hold by ( oder to) jemandem od einer Sache treu bleiben
    a) übereinstimmen mit,
    b) einverstanden sein mit
    12. stattfinden
    * * *
    I noun
    (of ship) Laderaum, der; (of aircraft) Frachtraum, der
    II 1. transitive verb,
    1) (grasp) halten; (carry) tragen; (keep fast) festhalten
    2) (support) [tragendes Teil:] halten, stützen, tragen [Decke, Dach usw.]; aufnehmen [Gewicht, Kraft]
    4) (grasp to control) halten [Kind, Hund, Zügel]

    hold oneself ready or in readiness — sich bereit od. in Bereitschaft halten

    hold one's head high(fig.) (be confident) selbstbewusst sein od. auftreten; (be proud) den Kopf hoch tragen

    6) (contain) enthalten; bergen [Gefahr, Geheimnis]; (be able to contain) fassen [Liter, Personen usw.]

    the room holds ten people — in dem Raum haben 10 Leute Platz; der Raum bietet 10 Leuten Platz

    hold water[Behälter:] wasserdicht sein; Wasser halten; (fig.) [Argument, Theorie:] stichhaltig sein, hieb- und stichfest sein

    he can/can't hold his drink or liquor — er kann etwas/nichts vertragen

    8) (possess) besitzen; haben
    9) (have gained) halten [Rekord]; haben [Diplom, Doktorgrad]
    10) (keep possession of) halten [Stützpunkt, Stadt, Stellung]; (Mus.): (sustain) [aus]halten [Ton]

    hold one's own(fig.) sich behaupten

    hold one's position(fig.) auf seinem Standpunkt beharren

    11) (occupy) innehaben, (geh.) bekleiden [Posten, Amt, Stellung]

    hold the line(Teleph.) am Apparat bleiben

    12) (engross) fesseln, (geh.) gefangen halten [Aufmerksamkeit, Publikum]

    hold the ladder steady — die Leiter festhalten; see also bay III 1.; ransom 1.

    14) (detain) (in custody) in Haft halten, festhalten; (imprison) festsetzen; inhaftieren; (arrest) festnehmen

    hold somebody to the terms of the contract/to a promise — darauf bestehen, dass jemand sich an die Vertragsbestimmungen hält/dass jemand ein Versprechen hält od. einlöst

    16) (Sport): (restrict)

    hold one's opponent [to a draw] — ein Unentschieden [gegen den Gegner] halten od. verteidigen

    17) (cause to take place) stattfinden lassen; abhalten [Veranstaltung, Konferenz, Gottesdienst, Sitzung, Prüfung]; veranstalten [Festival, Auktion]; austragen [Meisterschaften]; führen [Unterhaltung, Gespräch, Korrespondenz]; durchführen [Untersuchung]; geben [Empfang]; halten [Vortrag, Rede]
    18) (restrain) [fest]halten

    hold one's fire — [noch] nicht schießen; (fig.): (refrain from criticism) mit seiner Kritik zurückhalten

    19) (coll.): (withhold) zurückhalten

    hold it! — [einen] Moment mal!; see also horse 1)

    20) (think, believe)

    hold a view or an opinion — eine Ansicht haben (on über + Akk.)

    hold that... — dafürhalten, dass...; der Ansicht sein, dass...

    hold somebody/oneself guilty/blameless — jemanden/sich für schuldig/unschuldig halten ( for an + Dat.)

    hold something against somebody — jemandem etwas vorwerfen; see also dear 1. 1); responsible 1)

    2. intransitive verb,
    1) (not give way) [Seil, Nagel, Anker, Schloss, Angeklebtes:] halten; [Damm:] [stand]halten
    2) (remain unchanged) anhalten; [an]dauern; [Wetter:] sich halten, so bleiben; [Angebot, Versprechen:] gelten

    hold to something — bei etwas bleiben; an etwas (Dat.) festhalten

    hold [good or true] — gelten; Gültigkeit haben

    3. noun
    1) (grasp) Griff, der

    grab or seize hold of something — etwas ergreifen

    get or lay or take hold of something — etwas fassen od. packen

    take hold(fig.) sich durchsetzen; [Krankheit:] fortschreiten

    get hold of something(fig.) etwas bekommen od. auftreiben

    get hold of somebody(fig.) jemanden erreichen

    have a hold over somebody — jemanden in der Hand halten; see also catch 1. 1)

    2) (influence) Einfluss, der (on, over auf + Akk.)
    3) (Sport) Griff, der

    there are no holds barred(fig.) alles ist erlaubt

    4) (thing to hold by) Griff, der

    put on holdauf Eis legen [Plan, Programm]

    Phrasal Verbs:
    * * *
    (keep) something in suspense expr.
    etwas in der Schwebe halten ausdr.
    im ungewissen lassen ausdr. (point) something out to someone expr.
    jemandem etwas entgegenhalten ausdr. (a meeting, etc.) v.
    abhalten (Treffen, Versammlung) v. (possess) v.
    innehaben v. v.
    (§ p.,p.p.: held)
    = abhalten (Treffen) v.
    beibehalten v.
    bereithalten v.
    enthalten v.
    festhalten v.
    halten v.
    (§ p.,pp.: hielt, gehalten)

    English-german dictionary > hold

  • 12 hold

    I 1. həuld past tense, past participle - held; verb
    1) (to have in one's hand(s) or between one's hands: He was holding a knife; Hold that dish with both hands; He held the little boy's hand; He held the mouse by its tail.) holde, bære
    2) (to have in a part, or between parts, of the body, or between parts of a tool etc: He held the pencil in his teeth; She was holding a pile of books in her arms; Hold the stamp with tweezers.) holde
    3) (to support or keep from moving, running away, falling etc: What holds that shelf up?; He held the door closed by leaning against it; Hold your hands above your head; Hold his arms so that he can't struggle.) holde (oppe)
    4) (to remain in position, fixed etc when under strain: I've tied the two pieces of string together, but I'm not sure the knot will hold; Will the anchor hold in a storm?) holde (fast)
    5) (to keep (a person) in some place or in one's power: The police are holding a man for questioning in connection with the murder; He was held captive.) holde fanget/tilbake
    6) (to (be able to) contain: This jug holds two pints; You can't hold water in a handkerchief; This drawer holds all my shirts.) romme, inneholde
    7) (to cause to take place: The meeting will be held next week; We'll hold the meeting in the hall.) (av)holde
    8) (to keep (oneself), or to be, in a particular state or condition: We'll hold ourselves in readiness in case you send for us; She holds herself very erect.) holde (seg)
    9) (to have or be in (a job etc): He held the position of company secretary for five years.) ha/bekle en stilling, sitte som
    10) (to think strongly; to believe; to consider or regard: I hold that this was the right decision; He holds me (to be) responsible for everyone's mistakes; He is held in great respect; He holds certain very odd beliefs.) nære, ha
    11) (to continue to be valid or apply: Our offer will hold until next week; These rules hold under all circumstances.) gjelde, holde (seg), stå ved makt
    12) ((with to) to force (a person) to do something he has promised to do: I intend to hold him to his promises.) holde noen til noe, få en til å følge
    13) (to defend: They held the castle against the enemy.) holde, verne mot
    14) (not to be beaten by: The general realized that the soldiers could not hold the enemy for long.) holde ut mot
    15) (to keep (a person's attention): If you can't hold your pupils' attention, you can't be a good teacher.) holde oppmerksomheten
    16) (to keep someone in a certain state: Don't hold us in suspense, what was the final decision?) (av)holde, feire
    17) (to celebrate: The festival is held on 24 June.) eie, besitte, sitte/ligge inne med
    18) (to be the owner of: He holds shares in this company.) holde (seg), vare ved
    19) ((of good weather) to continue: I hope the weather holds until after the school sports.) (vente) et øyeblikk
    20) ((also hold the line) (of a person who is making a telephone call) to wait: Mr Brown is busy at the moment - will you hold or would you like him to call you back?) holde (tonen)
    21) (to continue to sing: Please hold that note for four whole beats.) ta vare på
    22) (to keep (something): They'll hold your luggage at the station until you collect it.) inneholde, (ville) bringe
    23) ((of the future) to be going to produce: I wonder what the future holds for me?)
    2. noun
    1) (the act of holding: He caught/got/laid/took hold of the rope and pulled; Keep hold of that rope.) tak, grep, hold
    2) (power; influence: He has a strange hold over that girl.) makt, tak, grep
    3) ((in wrestling etc) a manner of holding one's opponent: The wrestler invented a new hold.) grep, (bryte)tak, hold
    - - holder
    - hold-all
    - get hold of
    - hold back
    - hold down
    - hold forth
    - hold good
    - hold it
    - hold off
    - hold on
    - hold out
    - hold one's own
    - hold one's tongue
    - hold up
    - hold-up
    - hold with
    II həuld noun
    ((in ships) the place, below the deck, where cargo is stored.) lasterom
    subst. ( holden) \/həʊld\/
    1) ( også overført) tak, grep, hold
    2) ( overført) innflytelse, makt, kontroll, tak, grep
    3) håndtak
    4) ( bryting) brytetak, grep
    5) støtte, feste
    6) ( gammeldags) fengsel, forvaring, varetekt
    7) ( gammeldags) fort, festning
    catch hold of ta tak i
    get hold of gripe tak i
    have a hold on someone ha makt over noen, ha noen i sitt grep, ha innflytelse over noen
    keep a firm hold of holde et fast grep om
    no holds barred ( bryting) alle grep er tillatt ( overført) alt er lov, alle knep er tillatt
    put\/keep something on hold legge noe på is, utsette noe til senere
    release one's hold slippe taket
    take hold begynne å virke, begynne å få effekt
    subst. \/həʊld\/
    verb ( held - held) \/həʊld\/
    1) holde, holde i
    could you hold the ladder for me?
    2) bære, holde oppe
    3) tåle
    4) omfavne, holde omkring
    5) ( handel) holde på varene, ikke selge
    6) holde (tilbake), holde på, holde i varetekt, holde fengslet
    7) holde av, reservere
    8) oppbevare
    9) ( også overført) holde, beholde
    one pizza, please, and hold the anchovies
    en pizza uten ansjos, takk
    10) eie, ha, besitte, være i besittelse av, inneha
    11) bekle, inneha, sitte i (om stilling, verv, posisjon)
    12) ha plass til, romme, ta
    13) inneholde, romme
    what does the future hold for us?
    14) ( overført) holde, være holdbar, stå seg, holde stikk
    15) arrangere, avholde, holde (møte, fest e.l.)
    16) holde seg, vare (ved), vedvare, fortsette
    will the fine weather hold?
    17) fortsette (i en bestemt retning)
    18) ( overført) fengsle, oppta, oppsluke, gripe, holde oppmerksomheten fanget hos, holde i ånde
    19) nære, ha (ideer)
    20) holde fast ved, stå ved
    21) holde for (å være), regne for (å være), anse for (å være)
    22) ( jus) avsi kjennelse, avsi kjennelse om
    23) stå ved makt, være gyldig, gjelde, stå fast, stå ved lag
    24) (amer., slang, narkotika) ha stoff på seg, besitte stoff
    hold! ( gammeldags) holdt!, stopp!, vent!
    hold against legge til last
    hold an opinion ha en mening, være av en mening
    hold back holde tilbake, stanse, stoppe
    skjule, holde skjult, hemmeligholde, fortie sette av, legge av, spare
    stille seg avventende, forholde seg avventende, nøle, tvile, innta en avventende holdning
    hold by fastholde, holde fast ved, stå ved rette seg etter, la seg lede av like, ha sansen for
    hold court være midtpunkt for alles oppmerksomhet
    hold down holde nede
    beholde, bli i
    hold everything! stopp!
    hold firm holde fast ved
    hold forth ( ofte nedsettende) snakke i vei, dosere
    holde for sannsynlig
    hold good være sann, være gyldig
    hold hard! ( britisk) stopp!
    hold in tøyle, holde i tømmene, beherske
    holde tilbake
    hold in with holde seg inne med, holde seg til venns med
    hold it! vent litt!, stopp en halv!
    hold land sitte på landeiendommer
    hold liable eller hold responsible ( jus) legge til last
    hold off holde på avstand, holde fra livet
    hold your dog off!
    holde seg på avstand, holde seg borte
    vente (med), utsette, drøye (med)
    hold office sitte ved makten, regjere
    hold on holde fast holde på plass holde på, holde ut
    hold on! vent litt!, stopp en halv!
    hold one's breath holde pusten
    hold oneself well ha god holdning
    hold one's ground holde stand, ikke bøye av, ikke vike
    hold one's nose holde seg for nesen
    hold one's own holde stillingen, klare seg bra
    hold one' s tongue\/peace holde munn, tie, være stille
    hold one's way gå videre, fortsette på sin vei
    hold on to holde (seg) fast i
    holde (fast) på, holde fast ved sitte på
    hold out strekke ut, strekke frem, rekke ut, rekke frem, holde ut, holde frem
    tilby, gi, love
    rekke, vare, strekke til
    will the food hold out?
    holde til, oppholde seg holde stand, holde ut, stå i mot
    hold out for stå fast på kravet om avvente, vente til man får
    hold out on someone ( hverdagslig) holde tilbake for noen, unnlate å fortelle hele sannheten til noen gi blaffen i ønskene til noen
    hold over utsette
    beholde inntil videre, holde tilbake, sette til side ( jus) beholde embete\/eiendom lenger enn avtalt la fortsette utover fastsatt tid
    ( skogbruk) overholde
    hold shares sitte på aksjer, sitte med aksjer
    hold someone cheap ikke ha høye tanker om noen
    hold someone dear holde av noen, være glad i noen
    hold someone in contempt forakte noen, nære forakt for noen, ringeakte noen
    hold someone in honour holde noen i ære, ære noen
    hold someone's hand ( overført) holde noen i hånden, gi noen moralsk støtte
    hold someone to bail ( jus) avkreve noen kausjon
    hold something against someone laste noen for noe, la noe telle i noens disfavør, legge en noe til last, bruke noe mot noen
    hold something over someone la noe utgjøre en konstant trussel for noen, bruke noe som pressmiddel overfor noen
    hold together holde sammen, binde sammen
    henge sammen
    hold someone to her\/his promise tvinge noen til å holde sitt løfte
    hold that eller hold the view that være av den oppfatning at, mene at
    hold the line ( telekommunikasjon) holde forbindelsen, ikke legge på ( overført) ikke gi etter for press
    hold the market dominere markedet
    hold the reins ( overført) holde i tømmene
    hold the stage dominere en samtale
    hold the title to ha rett på, inneha retten til
    hold tight holde seg fast
    hold trumps ha trumf på hånden, sitte med trumf på hånden
    hold to stå ved, fastholde, holde fast ved
    hold up rekke opp, holde opp, holde i været, heve, løfte
    ( til beskuelse) holde frem, vise frem, stille opp holde oppe, støtte holde ut, holde motet oppe stå seg, holde hindre, oppholde, (for)sinke, forhale
    ( om kort) holde tilbake rane, overfalle, plyndre
    hold up one's head ( overført) holde hodet høyt
    hold up to utsette for, gjøre til gjenstand for
    hold up to ridicule gjøre til latter, latterliggjøre
    hold your horses! (amer.) hold an litt!, stopp en halv!, brems litt!
    hold your noise! være stille!
    hold water være vantett ( om brønn) inneholde vann ( overført) holde, være holdbar, stå seg
    hold with ( hverdagslig) holde med være enig med være tilhenger av, støtte
    not hold by ( også) ikke like, mislike
    on hold ( midlertidig) i bero ( telekommunikasjon) på vent

    English-Norwegian dictionary > hold

  • 13 water

    I. 1. вода
    WATER on the brain мед. хидроцефалия, воднянка
    WATER on the knee мед. хидартроза на коляното
    to hold WATER не пропускам вода, не тека, прен. издържам на критика, логичен/последователен съм (за теория и пр.)
    to make WATER пропускам вода, тека, уринирам
    to cast one's WATER изследвам си урината
    2. обик. рl минерална вода (и table WATER s)
    to take/drink the WATERs лекувам се с/пия минерална вода
    3. води, езеро, река, море
    WATERs of forgetfulness прен. забвение, смърт, лета
    high/low WATER прилив/отлив, най-високата точка на прилива/най-ниската точка на отлива, прен. апогей/застой
    in home WATERs в териториалните води на дадена страна
    by WATER по воден път, по море
    on this side of the WATER отсам морето/океана
    to go on the WATER правя разходка по река/море и пр.
    still WATERs run deep тихите води са дълбоки
    like a fish out of WATER като риба на сухо
    4. водоем, резервоар
    an ornamental WATER изкуствено езеро
    5. воден разтвор, тоалетна и пр. вода, слюнка, пот, сълзи и пр.
    to make/pass WATER уринирам
    difficulty in passing мед. задържане на урина
    to bring WATER to someone's mouth правя скомина/карам да потекат лигите на някого
    6. бистрота, прозрачност
    of the first WATER от (най-) чиста проба (и прен.)
    7. вълнообразни отблясъци на коприна
    8. фин. акции, издадени без увеличение на основния капитал
    9. water-colour
    10. attr воден, за/от/по/с вода
    above WATER вън от опасност, незатруднен финансово
    to keep/hold one's head above WATER крепя се, едва оцелявам/преживявам, особ. финансово
    in deep WATER (s) в голямо финансово затруднение/беда, сполетян от бедствие/скръб
    in low WATER без пари, закъсал
    in smooth WATER преодолял пречки/затруднения, напредващ с лекота
    to get into hot WATER разг. загазвам, изпадам в беда
    to get someone into hot WATER разг. вкарвам някого в беля
    to pour/throw cold WATER on прен. поливам със студен душ, действувам отрезвително, обезсърчавам, осуетявам
    a lot of/much WATER has flown/run under the bridge/over the dam много време мина/много вода изтече оттогава
    you may take a horse to the WATER, but you cannot make him drink насила хубост не става
    bubbly WATER шег. шампанско
    strong WATER, WATER of life ракия, прен. духовна храна
    to burn the WATER ловя риба нощем (с пика и зaпален фенер)
    writ (ten) in/on WATER краткотраен, мимолетен, преходен (за постижение и пр.)
    to swim between two WATERs колебая се между две мнения/решения, запазвам неутралитет
    like WATER изобилие, щедро, без сметка
    II. 1. мокря, намокрям, навлажнявам
    2. поливам, наводнявам, поя, напоявам (и за река)
    3. ходя/водя на водопой, пия вода
    4. WATER down разтварям във вода, разреждам, разводнявам, прен. смекчавам (изказване и пр.)
    5. отделям вода, потичат ми лигите, насълзявам се (за очи)
    to make someone's mouth WATER правя/карам да потекат лигите на някого, възбуждам желание/завист у някого
    6. набавям/вземам/запасявам (се) с вода (за кораб, локомотив и пр.)
    7. текст. моарирам (коприна и др. материи)
    8. фин. увеличавам фиктивно капитала на
    * * *
    {'wъ:tъ} n 1. вода; water on the brain мед. хидроцефалия, воднянка;(2) {'wъ:tъ} v 1. мокря, намокрям, навлажнявам; 2. поливам, нав
    * * *
    сълзя; уринирам; река; оросявам; потя се; пикоч; пия; пот; поя; бистрота; вода; воден; водоем; разтварям; разводнявам; разреждам; езеро; насълзявам се; море; напоявам; моарирам; напръскам; намокрям; наводнявам;
    * * *
    1. a lot of/much water has flown/run under the bridge/over the dam много време мина/много вода изтече оттогава 2. above water вън от опасност, незатруднен финансово 3. an ornamental water изкуствено езеро 4. attr воден, за/от/по/с вода 5. bubbly water шег. шампанско 6. by water по воден път, по море 7. difficulty in passing мед. задържане на урина 8. high/low water прилив/отлив, най-високата точка на прилива/най-ниската точка на отлива, прен. апогей/застой 9. i. вода 10. ii. мокря, намокрям, навлажнявам 11. in deep water (s) в голямо финансово затруднение/беда, сполетян от бедствие/скръб 12. in home waters в териториалните води на дадена страна 13. in low water без пари, закъсал 14. in smooth water преодолял пречки/затруднения, напредващ с лекота 15. like a fish out of water като риба на сухо 16. like water изобилие, щедро, без сметка 17. of the first water от (най-) чиста проба (и прен.) 18. on this side of the water отсам морето/океана 19. still waters run deep тихите води са дълбоки 20. strong water, water of life ракия, прен. духовна храна 21. to bring water to someone's mouth правя скомина/карам да потекат лигите на някого 22. to burn the water ловя риба нощем (с пика и зaпален фенер) 23. to cast one's water изследвам си урината 24. to get into hot water разг. загазвам, изпадам в беда 25. to get someone into hot water разг. вкарвам някого в беля 26. to go on the water правя разходка по река/море и пр 27. to hold water не пропускам вода, не тека, прен. издържам на критика, логичен/последователен съм (за теория и пр.) 28. to keep/hold one's head above water крепя се, едва оцелявам/преживявам, особ. финансово 29. to make someone's mouth water правя/карам да потекат лигите на някого, възбуждам желание/завист у някого 30. to make water пропускам вода, тека, уринирам 31. to make/pass water уринирам 32. to pour/throw cold water on прен. поливам със студен душ, действувам отрезвително, обезсърчавам, осуетявам 33. to swim between two waters колебая се между две мнения/решения, запазвам неутралитет 34. to take/drink the waters лекувам се с/пия минерална вода 35. water down разтварям във вода, разреждам, разводнявам, прен. смекчавам (изказване и пр.) 36. water on the brain мед. хидроцефалия, воднянка 37. water on the knee мед. хидартроза на коляното 38. water-colour 39. waters of forgetfulness прен. забвение, смърт, лета 40. writ (ten) in/on water краткотраен, мимолетен, преходен (за постижение и пр.) 41. you may take a horse to the water, but you cannot make him drink насила хубост не става 42. бистрота, прозрачност 43. воден разтвор, тоалетна и пр. вода, слюнка, пот, сълзи и пр 44. води, езеро, река, море 45. водоем, резервоар 46. вълнообразни отблясъци на коприна 47. набавям/вземам/запасявам (се) с вода (за кораб, локомотив и пр.) 48. обик. рl минерална вода (и table water s) 49. отделям вода, потичат ми лигите, насълзявам се (за очи) 50. поливам, наводнявам, поя, напоявам (и за река) 51. текст. моарирам (коприна и др. материи) 52. фин. акции, издадени без увеличение на основния капитал 53. фин. увеличавам фиктивно капитала на 54. ходя/водя на водопой, пия вода
    * * *
    water[´wɔ:tə] I. n 1. вода; \water on the brain мед. воднянка на мозъка, хидроцефалия; \water on the knee мед. хидартроза на коляното; вода в коляното; bubbly \water шег. шампанско; strong \water,\water of life ракия; to take ( drink) the \waters пия минерална водя (за да се лекувам); in hot \water, in deep \waters загазил, натясно, в беда, на зор; in low \water близо до разорение; in smooth \water преуспяващ, "върви му като по вода"; to tread \water 1) плувам изправен; 2) тъпча на едно място; to write in (on) \water преходен (мимолетен, краткотраен) съм; above \water вън от опасност; \water under the bridge (ам. over the dam) минало-заминало; нещо, което вече няма значение; to back \water 1) мор. греба назад; 2) ам. отстъпвам, не сдържам (удържам на) обещанието си; to hold \water не пропускам вода; прен. (за теория, идеология и пр.) издържа (на) критика; логическа (последователна) е; to blow s.th. out of the \water разбивам, сломявам, правя на пух и прах; to test the \water(s) опипвам почвата; to draw \water in a sieve прен. преливам от пусто в празно, върша нещо безполезно (безсмислено); all \water runs to his mill всичко му се удава, върви му изключително много; to draw \water to o.'s mill привеждам примери в своя собствена полза; изтъквам се; to spend money like \water имам широки пръсти, харча на поразия; to get \water from a flint правя чудеса; to throw ( pour) cold \water on s.o. поливам някого със студен душ, обезкуражавам някого; действам някому отрезвително; 2. води; езеро; море, река; blue \water открито море; \waters of forgetfulness прен. забвение; смърт; Лета; high \water прилив, прен. кулминационна точка; in Home \waters във водите на метрополията; в свои териториални води (за кораб); by \water по воден път, по море; с кораб (лодка); on land and \water по суша и по море; to go on the \water правя разходка по морето (реката); to keep (o.s., o.'s head) above \water държа се над водата (и прен.); избягвам неприятности; преживявам; still \waters have deep bottoms, still ( smooth) \waters run deep тихите води са дълбоки; like a fish out of \water като риба на сухо; 3. водоем; резервоар; 4. воден разтвор; слюнка; пот; пикоч; red \water кървава урина; to make \water пикая; difficulty in passing \water мед. задържане на урина; to bring the \water to s.o.'s mouth възбуждам апетита на някого; 5. бистрота, прозрачност; diamond of the first \water най-чист диамант; 6. блясък на коприна; 7. фин. акции, издадени без увеличение на основния капитал; 8. изк. = watercolour; 9. attr воден; \water transport воден транспорт, транспорт по вода; II. v 1. оросявам, мокря, намокрям, навлажнявам; 2. поливам, наводнявам, напоявам, поя; ходя (водя) на водопой, пия вода; 3. разреждам, разтварям във вода; \watered wine кръстено вино; to \water down the details смекчавам подробностите; 4. фин. номинално увеличавам капитала на; 5. уринирам; потя се; потичат ми лигите; насълзявам се; отделям вода; it made his mouth \water потекоха му лигите; 6. мор. (за кораб и пр.) набирам вода; 7. (за локомотив) вземам вода; 8. текст. моарирам.

    English-Bulgarian dictionary > water

  • 14 hold

    I 1. [həuld] past tense, past participle - held; verb
    1) (to have in one's hand(s) or between one's hands: He was holding a knife; Hold that dish with both hands; He held the little boy's hand; He held the mouse by its tail.) držati
    2) (to have in a part, or between parts, of the body, or between parts of a tool etc: He held the pencil in his teeth; She was holding a pile of books in her arms; Hold the stamp with tweezers.) držati
    3) (to support or keep from moving, running away, falling etc: What holds that shelf up?; He held the door closed by leaning against it; Hold your hands above your head; Hold his arms so that he can't struggle.) (za)držati
    4) (to remain in position, fixed etc when under strain: I've tied the two pieces of string together, but I'm not sure the knot will hold; Will the anchor hold in a storm?) zdržati
    5) (to keep (a person) in some place or in one's power: The police are holding a man for questioning in connection with the murder; He was held captive.) zadržati
    6) (to (be able to) contain: This jug holds two pints; You can't hold water in a handkerchief; This drawer holds all my shirts.) držati, vsebovati
    7) (to cause to take place: The meeting will be held next week; We'll hold the meeting in the hall.) biti
    8) (to keep (oneself), or to be, in a particular state or condition: We'll hold ourselves in readiness in case you send for us; She holds herself very erect.) držati se
    9) (to have or be in (a job etc): He held the position of company secretary for five years.) imeti
    10) (to think strongly; to believe; to consider or regard: I hold that this was the right decision; He holds me (to be) responsible for everyone's mistakes; He is held in great respect; He holds certain very odd beliefs.) verjeti, imeti (koga za kaj)
    11) (to continue to be valid or apply: Our offer will hold until next week; These rules hold under all circumstances.) veljati
    12) ((with to) to force (a person) to do something he has promised to do: I intend to hold him to his promises.) držati za
    13) (to defend: They held the castle against the enemy.) braniti
    14) (not to be beaten by: The general realized that the soldiers could not hold the enemy for long.) zadržati nasprotnika
    15) (to keep (a person's attention): If you can't hold your pupils' attention, you can't be a good teacher.) pritegniti (pozornost)
    16) (to keep someone in a certain state: Don't hold us in suspense, what was the final decision?) proslavljati
    17) (to celebrate: The festival is held on 24 June.) imeti
    18) (to be the owner of: He holds shares in this company.) obdržati se
    19) ((of good weather) to continue: I hope the weather holds until after the school sports.) počakati pri telefonu
    20) ((also hold the line) (of a person who is making a telephone call) to wait: Mr Brown is busy at the moment - will you hold or would you like him to call you back?) držati
    21) (to continue to sing: Please hold that note for four whole beats.) obdržati
    22) (to keep (something): They'll hold your luggage at the station until you collect it.) prinesti
    23) ((of the future) to be going to produce: I wonder what the future holds for me?)
    2. noun
    1) (the act of holding: He caught/got/laid/took hold of the rope and pulled; Keep hold of that rope.) prijem
    2) (power; influence: He has a strange hold over that girl.) vpliv
    3) ((in wrestling etc) a manner of holding one's opponent: The wrestler invented a new hold.) prijem
    - - holder
    - hold-all
    - get hold of
    - hold back
    - hold down
    - hold forth
    - hold good
    - hold it
    - hold off
    - hold on
    - hold out
    - hold one's own
    - hold one's tongue
    - hold up
    - hold-up
    - hold with
    II [həuld] noun
    ((in ships) the place, below the deck, where cargo is stored.) podkrovje
    * * *
    I [hóuld]
    nautical podpalubje, ladijsko skladišče; aeronautics prostor za prtljago v letalu
    II [hóuld]
    prijem, opora; moč, vpliv (on, over, of); American ustavitev, zadrževanje; archaic utrdba
    to catch ( —ali get, lay, seize, take) hold of s.th. — prijeti kaj, dobiti
    to get hold of s.o. — ujeti koga, zalotiti koga
    to get hold of o.s. — dobiti se v oblast, obvladati se
    to get a hold on s.o.dobiti koga v oblast
    to have a (firm) hold on s.o.imeti koga v oblasti
    to keep hold of — čvrsto držati, ne izpustiti iz rok
    to miss one's hold — zgrešiti, napak prijeti
    American to put a hold on s.th. — zaustaviti kaj, zadržati kaj
    III [hóuld]
    transitive verb
    držati, obdržati, zadržati; omejiti, zadrževati, ovirati, krotiti; zdržati; sport zadržati nasprotnika; zavezati koga za kaj (to); imeti (npr. sestanek); imeti, posedovati (zemljo, pravice, delnice, službo); imeti koga za kaj (npr. za poštenjaka); proslavljati (praznik); obdržati (smer); prenašati (alkohol); military & figuratively odbraniti, obdržati (položaj); juridically odločiti, odrediti; pritegniti (pozornost); American zadostovati (hrana); American rezervirati, imeti rezervacijo (v hotelu); American prijeti, obdržati v zaporu;
    intransitive verb
    držati se, zadržati se, vztrajati (by, to pri, na čem); veljati, obveljati; obstati, prenehati; dogajati se, biti
    hold! — počakaj, ustavi se!
    to hold the bag — ostati na cedilu, imeti vso odgovornost
    to hold a brief for — odobravati, strinjati se
    to hold in check — imeti koga v šahu, krotiti
    to hold dear — ceniti, čislati, ljubiti
    to hold fast — čvrsto držati, ne izpustiti
    to hold good — veljati, obveljati, izkazati se
    to hold one's ground ( —ali one's own) — vztrajati, ne popustiti, biti kos
    to hold s.o. (s.th.) in the hollow of one's handimeti koga (kaj) v pesti
    hold hard! — počakaj!, stoj!
    hold everything!takoj prenehaj!
    to hold at nought — omalovaževati, ne ceniti
    to hold s.o. to his promise ( —ali word)držati koga za besedo
    to hold one's peace ( —ali tongue) — molčati, držati jezik za zobmi
    to hold a stock — imeti zalogo, imeti na zalogi
    to hold true — veljati, biti res
    to hold water — prenesti natančen pregled, veljati; biti vodotesen
    there is no holding him — ne da se ga zadržati, nezadržen je
    neither to hold nor to bind — ki se ga ne da obvladati, neukročen

    English-Slovenian dictionary > hold

  • 15 hold

    1. I
    1) this горе (the twine, the tape, the string, the bootlace, etc.) will hold эта веревка и т. д. не порвется /выдержит/; the nail still holds гвоздь еще не выпал /держится/
    2) if rain (snow, frost, etc.) holds если будет продолжаться /без конца будет идти/ дождь и т. д.; if this weather holds если эта /такая/ погода удержится /будет стоять/; if your luck holds если счастье тебе не изменит; can the good weather hold? продержится ли хорошая погода?; the provisions will hold запасов пищи хватит; the comparison holds это сравнение вполне уместно
    3) to eat as much as one can hold наесться досыта /до отвала/
    2. II
    1) hold some time this principle (my promise, our bargain, this law, etc.) still holds этот принцип и т. д. [все] еще остается /продолжает оставаться/ в силе; his objection still holds он еще не снимает своего возражения; the good weather is still holding все еще стоит хорошая погода
    2) hold in some manner hold firm /fast, tight/ твердо /стойко/ держаться, оставаться твердым /стойким/; hold firm [until you hear from me] держись стойко [, пока я тебе не напишу]; our friendship will hold fast наша дружба будет прочной
    3. III
    1) hold smth., smb. hold a spoon (a knife, a candle, a cap, a baby, a cat, etc.) держать ложку и т. д.; hold smb.'s hand держать / взять/ кого-л. за руку; they were holding hands они держались за руки; hold the line! не кладите / не вешайте/ трубку! (при разговоре по телефону)
    2) hold smth., smb. hold a fort (a defile, a fortress, a position, a trench, etc.) удерживать /защищать/ крепость и т. д., it takes a number of men to hold him одному его не удержать; there is no holding that fellow с этим парнем никак не сладишь, удержу нет на этого парня; hold trains задерживать поезда; he could hardly hold the horses он едва удерживал /сдерживал/ лошадей; the farmers are holding the wheat фермеры придерживают свою пшеницу; hold a note тянуть [одну] ноту; hold one's breath задерживать /затаить/ дыхание; hold one's nose зажимать нос; hold smb.'s attention (one's audience, the pupils' attention, etc.) овладевать чьим-л. вниманием и т. д., удерживать чье-л. внимание и т. д.; constant change of scene held our attention непрерывная смена пейзажа не давала ослабнуть нашему вниманию
    3) hold smth. hold land (a large estate, a large property, etc.) владеть землей и т. д.; hold an office (an appointment, a position, etc.) занимать пост и т. д.; hold a professorship быть профессором, иметь профессорское звание; занимать должность профессора; hold a chair заведовать кафедрой; hold a rank иметь чин; hold a medal иметь медаль; hold first (second, etc.) place иметь /занять/ первое и т. д. место.
    4) hold smth., smb. hold a certain amount of liquid (5 gallons, all her clothes, a certain number of people, five persons, etc.) вмещать определенное количество жидкости и т. д.; this bucket will hold ten litres of water это ведро на 10 литров воды; this trunk holds all my things в этот сундук влезут /можно положить/ все мои вещи; the box held his securities в этой шкатулке лежали /были/ принадлежащие ему ценные бумаги; the new hall will hold three hundred spectators в новом зале сможет разместиться триста зрителей, новый зал рассчитан на триста зрителей; how many of us will your car hold? сколько человек сядет /влезет/ в твою машину?; each of these forms is to hold two pupils за каждой такой партой будут сидеть два ученика; sea water holds many salts in solution в морской воде содержится много солей; Westminster Abbey holds the bones of England's great men в Вестминстерском аббатстве покоятся останки великих людей Англии; the evening held a lot of surprises вечер был полон неожиданностей
    5) hold smth. hold a meeting (a demonstration, a debate, an election, a consultation, an examination, an investigation, talks, etc.) проводить /устраивать, организовывать/ собрание и т. д.; they decided to hold an exhibition они решили устроить выставку
    6) hold smth. hold a view (an opinion) придерживаться взгляда (мнения); I hold a different view я придерживаюсь другой точки зрения, я думаю иначе; hold a course придерживаться определенного курса
    4. IV
    1) hold smth., smb. in some manner hold smth., smb. tightly) (fast, firmly, straight, carelessly, etc.) держать что-л., кого-л. крепко и т. д.
    2) hold smb. , smth. in some manner hold smb., smth. in respect (in high esteem, in awe, in low regard, in contempt, etc.) относиться к кому-л., чему-л. с уважением и т. д.; hold smb. at one's mercy держать кого-л. в своей власти id hold smb. to ridicule выставлять кого-л. на посмешище
    3) hold smth. at some time I can't hold all these details at once я не могу (удержать в голове сразу все эти подробности
    5. V
    1) hold smb. smb. hold smb. prisoner держать кого-л. в плену /в качестве пленного/; hold smb. hostages держать кого-л. в качестве заложников
    2) hold it smth. I hold it my duty [to tell you... (to inform you...)] я считаю своей обязанностью /своим долгом/ [рассказать вам... (сообщить вам)...]
    6. VI
    1) hold smth. in some state hold a door (a window, a window vent, etc.) open (half open, shut, etc.) держать дверь и т. д. открытой и т. д.
    2) hold smb. in some state hold an audience (the spectators, the listeners, the whole house, etc.) spellbounc заставить аудиторию и т. д. слушать или смотреть, затаив дыхание; his lovely music held us spellbound его прекрасная музыка очаровала нас; hold smb. captive держать кого-л. в плену
    3) hold smth., smb. in some state hold smth. true (good, sacred, cheap, etc.) считать что-л. верным /справедливым/ и т. д.; I hold the very idea absurd я считаю абсурдной саму эту мысль; hold smb. responsible возлагать на кого-л. ответственность; we shall hold you responsible for the work вы будете отвечать за эту работу
    7. VII
    hold smb., smth. to possess some quality hold smb. to be wrong (to be right, to be clever, to be beautiful, etc.) считать кого-л. неправым и т. д., hold smth. to be impossible (to be inadmissible, to be illogical, etc.) считать что-л. невозможным и т. д.; hold smb. to be smth. hold smb. to be a fool (to be a clever man, to be a good husband, etc.) считать, что кто-л. дурак и т. д.
    8. XI.
    be held for some time we were held till the evening нас задержали до вечера; be held at some place my money is held at the bank a) мой деньги находятся в банке; б) банк наложил арест на мои деньги; be held smb. I was held prisoner я находился в плену /в заточении/
    be held at some time the meeting (the debate, the conference, the funeral service, etc.) will be held on Monday (at 3 o'clock, etc.) собрание и т. д. состоится в понедельник и т. д.; when will the election be held? когда состоятся /будут проходить/ выборы?; be held in (at, etc.) smth. the meeting was held in (at) a very big hall собрание проходило в очень большем зале
    be held by smth. the button is held by a thread пуговица держалась на одной нитке; her scarf was held in place by a brooch ее шарфик был заколот брошкой
    it is held that... it is universally held by the writers that... у писателей общепризнанным считается, что...; be held to be in some state you will be held responsible вы за это ответите /будете нести ответственность/; he was held guilty (not guilty) он был признан виновным (невиновным)
    9. XV
    hold to possess some quality hold good /true, valid/ оставаться в силе; my promise (the order, the treaty, our bet, etc.) holds good мое обещание и т. д. остается в силе; the same criticism holds good with the second chapter такое же критическое замечание справедливо и в отношении второй главы
    10. XVI
    1) hold through smth. the supplies will hold through the winter (through the next three months, etc.) запасов хватит на всю зиму и т. д.
    2) hold to smth. hold to a chair (to a rail, to a bedstead, etc.) держаться за стул и т. д.
    3) hold against smb., smth. hold against an enemy (against an army, against troops, etc.) удерживать свои позиции против [нашествия] врага и т. д., hold against an attack [успешно] отбивать атаку
    4) hold to /by/ smth., smb. hold to a view (to /by/ an opinion, by one's principles, to /by a decision, to a rule, etc.) держаться /придерживаться/ взгляда /точки зрения/ и т. д., he held firm /fast/ to his resolve (to his beliefs, etc.) он твердо держался своего решения и т. д.; hold to a promise сдержать обещание; you should hold to the terms вы должны соблюдать условия [договора]; hold to one's friends (to one's party, to one's choice, etc.) быть /оставаться/ верным своим друзьям и т. д.; hold for (in) smth. this rule (the principle, the theory, the hypothesis, etc.) holds for all cases это правило подходит ко всем случаям; this holds in every case это верно для всех случаев /во всех случаях/ || who knows what the future /tomorrow/ holds for us? кто знает, что нам готовит будущее?; hold at some level the market holds at 20 roubles на рынке удерживается цена в двадцать рублей
    11. XVIII
    1) hold oneself she doesn't know how to hold herself она не знает, как держаться /как ей себя вести/; hold oneself in some manner hold oneself well (badly) хорошо (плохо) держаться; hold oneself in some position hold oneself straight (upright, etc.) держаться прямо и т. д.; hold yourself still for a few minutes while I make a sketch of you постойте или посидите спокойно несколько минут, пока я не сделаю [с вас] набросок; hold oneself like smb., smth. hold oneself like a queen (like a doll, etc.) держаться /вести себя/, как королева и т. д.
    2) hold oneself in some state hold oneself aloof (separate) держаться в стороне (отдельно от других); hold oneself ready /in readiness/ быть готовым; he held himself ready to start at a moment's notice он был готов отправиться по первому требованию
    3) hold oneself in some state hold oneself responsible считать себя ответственным; I do not hold myself responsible for what happened я не считаю себя ответственным за то, что произошло
    12. XXI1
    1) hold smb., smth. by smth. hold the child by the hand (a bull by the horn, the basket by the handle, the box by the rope, etc.) держать ребенка за руку и т. д., hold smth., smb. in (over, in front of, etc.) smth. hold the bag in one's hand (both hands over one's head, the creature before one's face, etc.) держать сумку в руке и т. д.; hold a cigarette (a pipe, a cigar. a cigarette-holder, etc.) between the teeth (between one's lips, in one's mouth, etc.) держать сигарету и т. д. в зубах и т. д.; hold smb. in one's arms обнимать кого-л., держать кого-л. в своих объятиях; he held his head in his hands он обхватил / сжал/ голову руками
    2) hold smth. against smb., smth. hold the fort against the enemy (the city against an army, the position against a detachment of parachute troops, etc.) защищать /оборонять/ крепость от неприятеля и т. д.; hold one's position against all competitors не сдавать своих позиций соперникам; hold one's own with smb. in beauty she held her own with all her rivals в красоте она не уступала ни одной из своих соперниц; hold smth. for smth. hold smb.'s baggage for non-payment of rent не отдавать кому-л. вещи до внесения квартирной платы; he held the audience for two hours он завладел вниманием слушателей на два часа; he held the floor for an hour он держал речь целый час; he holds the record for high jump он держит рекорд по прыжкам в высоту; hold smth. for smb. hold a room for me (seats for our guests, a book for first year students, etc.) оставьте /забронируйте, зарезервируйте/ комнату для меня и т. д., hold stocks for a rise попридержать акции до /, ожидая/ их повышения
    3) hold smb. for smth. hold smb. for theft арестовать кого-л. за воровство; держать кого-л. в тюрьме за воровство; hold smb. for ransom держать кого-л., пока за него не будет внесен выкуп; hold smb. on a charge of smth. hold smb. on a charge of theft (of murder, etc.) задержать кого-л. по обвинению в воровстве и т. д.; hold smb. in smth. hold smb. in prison (in custody) держать кого-л. в тюрьме (под стражей); hold smb. till smth. they will hold him till we pay (till he recants, till tomorrow, etc.) они не выпустят его [до тех пор], пока мы не заплатим и т. д.; hold smb. for some time a fever held him for a week лихорадка /высокая температура/ не отпускала его целую неделю, неделю он провалялся с лихорадкой /с температурой/; hold smb. in smth. hold smb. in suspense (in fear, etc.) держать кого-л. в напряженном ожидании и т. д., hold smb. in check сдерживать кого-л.
    4) hold smth. among smth. hold the first position among other similar institutions (among other boarding-houses, among many hotels, etc.) занимать ведущее положение среди других подобных учреждений и т.д., hold smth. at some time hold two offices at the same time занимать две должности одновременно
    5) hold smth. for smb. life holds a lot of surprises for us all жизнь полна неожиданностей для всех; who knows what the future holds for us? кто знает, что нас ждет в будущем /что нам сулит будущее/?; hold smth. in smth. I can't hold all these figures (these facts, so many names, etc.) in my head я не могу держать все эти цифры и т. д. в голове
    6) hold smb. to smth. hold smb. to a promise (to an agreement, to terms, etc.) требовать от кого-л. выполнения своего обещания и т. д., we shall hold you to your word мы будем добиваться, чтобы вы сдержали свое слово
    7) hold smth. with smb. hold a conversation (a parley, a talk, etc.) with smb. вести /проводить, поддерживать/ разговор /беседу/ и т. д с кем-л.; hold smth. for smb. hold a reception (a ball, a performance, a concert, etc.) for the guests устроить прием и т. д. в честь гостей
    13. XXII
    hold oneself (smb.) from doing smth. hold oneself from asking (from laughing, etc.) удержаться от того, чтобы спросить и т. д.
    14. XXIV1
    hold smb. as smb. hold smb. as hostage (as a criminal, as a spy, etc.) задерживать /держать (под стражей, в заточении и т. п.)/ кого-л. в качестве /как/ заложника и т. д.
    15. XXV
    hold that... hold that his plan is impracticable (that all his statements are very doubtful, etc.) полагать /считать, думать/, что его план неосуществим и т. д.

    English-Russian dictionary of verb phrases > hold

  • 16 hold

    I 1. [həuld] past tense, past participle - held; verb
    1) (to have in one's hand(s) or between one's hands: He was holding a knife; Hold that dish with both hands; He held the little boy's hand; He held the mouse by its tail.) holde
    2) (to have in a part, or between parts, of the body, or between parts of a tool etc: He held the pencil in his teeth; She was holding a pile of books in her arms; Hold the stamp with tweezers.) holde
    3) (to support or keep from moving, running away, falling etc: What holds that shelf up?; He held the door closed by leaning against it; Hold your hands above your head; Hold his arms so that he can't struggle.) holde
    4) (to remain in position, fixed etc when under strain: I've tied the two pieces of string together, but I'm not sure the knot will hold; Will the anchor hold in a storm?) holde
    5) (to keep (a person) in some place or in one's power: The police are holding a man for questioning in connection with the murder; He was held captive.) holde
    6) (to (be able to) contain: This jug holds two pints; You can't hold water in a handkerchief; This drawer holds all my shirts.) indeholde
    7) (to cause to take place: The meeting will be held next week; We'll hold the meeting in the hall.) afholde
    8) (to keep (oneself), or to be, in a particular state or condition: We'll hold ourselves in readiness in case you send for us; She holds herself very erect.) holde
    9) (to have or be in (a job etc): He held the position of company secretary for five years.) have; være
    10) (to think strongly; to believe; to consider or regard: I hold that this was the right decision; He holds me (to be) responsible for everyone's mistakes; He is held in great respect; He holds certain very odd beliefs.) tro; holde
    11) (to continue to be valid or apply: Our offer will hold until next week; These rules hold under all circumstances.) gælde
    12) ((with to) to force (a person) to do something he has promised to do: I intend to hold him to his promises.) holde nogen fast til noget
    13) (to defend: They held the castle against the enemy.) holde; forsvare
    14) (not to be beaten by: The general realized that the soldiers could not hold the enemy for long.) forsvare sig imod
    15) (to keep (a person's attention): If you can't hold your pupils' attention, you can't be a good teacher.) holde; bevare
    16) (to keep someone in a certain state: Don't hold us in suspense, what was the final decision?) holde hen
    17) (to celebrate: The festival is held on 24 June.) fejre
    18) (to be the owner of: He holds shares in this company.) eje
    19) ((of good weather) to continue: I hope the weather holds until after the school sports.) holde
    20) ((also hold the line) (of a person who is making a telephone call) to wait: Mr Brown is busy at the moment - will you hold or would you like him to call you back?) vente
    21) (to continue to sing: Please hold that note for four whole beats.) holde
    22) (to keep (something): They'll hold your luggage at the station until you collect it.) opbevare
    23) ((of the future) to be going to produce: I wonder what the future holds for me?) bringe
    2. noun
    1) (the act of holding: He caught/got/laid/took hold of the rope and pulled; Keep hold of that rope.) hold; greb
    2) (power; influence: He has a strange hold over that girl.) magt; indflydelse
    3) ((in wrestling etc) a manner of holding one's opponent: The wrestler invented a new hold.) greb; tag
    - - holder
    - hold-all
    - get hold of
    - hold back
    - hold down
    - hold forth
    - hold good
    - hold it
    - hold off
    - hold on
    - hold out
    - hold one's own
    - hold one's tongue
    - hold up
    - hold-up
    - hold with
    II [həuld] noun
    ((in ships) the place, below the deck, where cargo is stored.) last
    * * *
    I 1. [həuld] past tense, past participle - held; verb
    1) (to have in one's hand(s) or between one's hands: He was holding a knife; Hold that dish with both hands; He held the little boy's hand; He held the mouse by its tail.) holde
    2) (to have in a part, or between parts, of the body, or between parts of a tool etc: He held the pencil in his teeth; She was holding a pile of books in her arms; Hold the stamp with tweezers.) holde
    3) (to support or keep from moving, running away, falling etc: What holds that shelf up?; He held the door closed by leaning against it; Hold your hands above your head; Hold his arms so that he can't struggle.) holde
    4) (to remain in position, fixed etc when under strain: I've tied the two pieces of string together, but I'm not sure the knot will hold; Will the anchor hold in a storm?) holde
    5) (to keep (a person) in some place or in one's power: The police are holding a man for questioning in connection with the murder; He was held captive.) holde
    6) (to (be able to) contain: This jug holds two pints; You can't hold water in a handkerchief; This drawer holds all my shirts.) indeholde
    7) (to cause to take place: The meeting will be held next week; We'll hold the meeting in the hall.) afholde
    8) (to keep (oneself), or to be, in a particular state or condition: We'll hold ourselves in readiness in case you send for us; She holds herself very erect.) holde
    9) (to have or be in (a job etc): He held the position of company secretary for five years.) have; være
    10) (to think strongly; to believe; to consider or regard: I hold that this was the right decision; He holds me (to be) responsible for everyone's mistakes; He is held in great respect; He holds certain very odd beliefs.) tro; holde
    11) (to continue to be valid or apply: Our offer will hold until next week; These rules hold under all circumstances.) gælde
    12) ((with to) to force (a person) to do something he has promised to do: I intend to hold him to his promises.) holde nogen fast til noget
    13) (to defend: They held the castle against the enemy.) holde; forsvare
    14) (not to be beaten by: The general realized that the soldiers could not hold the enemy for long.) forsvare sig imod
    15) (to keep (a person's attention): If you can't hold your pupils' attention, you can't be a good teacher.) holde; bevare
    16) (to keep someone in a certain state: Don't hold us in suspense, what was the final decision?) holde hen
    17) (to celebrate: The festival is held on 24 June.) fejre
    18) (to be the owner of: He holds shares in this company.) eje
    19) ((of good weather) to continue: I hope the weather holds until after the school sports.) holde
    20) ((also hold the line) (of a person who is making a telephone call) to wait: Mr Brown is busy at the moment - will you hold or would you like him to call you back?) vente
    21) (to continue to sing: Please hold that note for four whole beats.) holde
    22) (to keep (something): They'll hold your luggage at the station until you collect it.) opbevare
    23) ((of the future) to be going to produce: I wonder what the future holds for me?) bringe
    2. noun
    1) (the act of holding: He caught/got/laid/took hold of the rope and pulled; Keep hold of that rope.) hold; greb
    2) (power; influence: He has a strange hold over that girl.) magt; indflydelse
    3) ((in wrestling etc) a manner of holding one's opponent: The wrestler invented a new hold.) greb; tag
    - - holder
    - hold-all
    - get hold of
    - hold back
    - hold down
    - hold forth
    - hold good
    - hold it
    - hold off
    - hold on
    - hold out
    - hold one's own
    - hold one's tongue
    - hold up
    - hold-up
    - hold with
    II [həuld] noun
    ((in ships) the place, below the deck, where cargo is stored.) last

    English-Danish dictionary > hold

  • 17 hold

    I 1. [həuld] past tense, past participle - held; verb
    1) (to have in one's hand(s) or between one's hands: He was holding a knife; Hold that dish with both hands; He held the little boy's hand; He held the mouse by its tail.) segurar
    2) (to have in a part, or between parts, of the body, or between parts of a tool etc: He held the pencil in his teeth; She was holding a pile of books in her arms; Hold the stamp with tweezers.) segurar
    3) (to support or keep from moving, running away, falling etc: What holds that shelf up?; He held the door closed by leaning against it; Hold your hands above your head; Hold his arms so that he can't struggle.) segurar
    4) (to remain in position, fixed etc when under strain: I've tied the two pieces of string together, but I'm not sure the knot will hold; Will the anchor hold in a storm?) aguentar
    5) (to keep (a person) in some place or in one's power: The police are holding a man for questioning in connection with the murder; He was held captive.) reter
    6) (to (be able to) contain: This jug holds two pints; You can't hold water in a handkerchief; This drawer holds all my shirts.) conter
    7) (to cause to take place: The meeting will be held next week; We'll hold the meeting in the hall.) ter lugar
    8) (to keep (oneself), or to be, in a particular state or condition: We'll hold ourselves in readiness in case you send for us; She holds herself very erect.) manter-se
    9) (to have or be in (a job etc): He held the position of company secretary for five years.) ocupar
    10) (to think strongly; to believe; to consider or regard: I hold that this was the right decision; He holds me (to be) responsible for everyone's mistakes; He is held in great respect; He holds certain very odd beliefs.) considerar
    11) (to continue to be valid or apply: Our offer will hold until next week; These rules hold under all circumstances.) manter-se
    12) ((with to) to force (a person) to do something he has promised to do: I intend to hold him to his promises.) obrigar
    13) (to defend: They held the castle against the enemy.) defender
    14) (not to be beaten by: The general realized that the soldiers could not hold the enemy for long.) aguentar
    15) (to keep (a person's attention): If you can't hold your pupils' attention, you can't be a good teacher.) prender
    16) (to keep someone in a certain state: Don't hold us in suspense, what was the final decision?) realizar
    17) (to celebrate: The festival is held on 24 June.) possuir
    18) (to be the owner of: He holds shares in this company.) aguentar
    19) ((of good weather) to continue: I hope the weather holds until after the school sports.) esperar
    20) ((also hold the line) (of a person who is making a telephone call) to wait: Mr Brown is busy at the moment - will you hold or would you like him to call you back?) aguentar
    21) (to continue to sing: Please hold that note for four whole beats.) guardar
    22) (to keep (something): They'll hold your luggage at the station until you collect it.) reservar
    23) ((of the future) to be going to produce: I wonder what the future holds for me?)
    2. noun
    1) (the act of holding: He caught/got/laid/took hold of the rope and pulled; Keep hold of that rope.) domínio
    2) (power; influence: He has a strange hold over that girl.) influência
    3) ((in wrestling etc) a manner of holding one's opponent: The wrestler invented a new hold.) golpe
    - - holder
    - hold-all
    - get hold of
    - hold back
    - hold down
    - hold forth
    - hold good
    - hold it
    - hold off
    - hold on
    - hold out
    - hold one's own
    - hold one's tongue
    - hold up
    - hold-up
    - hold with
    II [həuld] noun
    ((in ships) the place, below the deck, where cargo is stored.) porão
    * * *
    [hould] n 1 ação de segurar, pegar ou agarrar. 2 ponto por onde se pega (cabo, alça, etc.). 3 forte influência. 4 impressão. 5 cela de prisão. 6 prisão, cadeia. 7 fortificação, fortaleza. 8 Mus fermata: símbolo de pausa. • vt+vi (ps and pp held) 1 pegar, agarrar, segurar. hold my pencil! / segure meu lápis! 2 reter. 3 manter. 4 defender. he holds the view / ele defende a opinião. 5 ocupar (cargo). 6 manter sob controle. 7 aderir. 8 confinar. 9 empregar. 10 suportar, apoiar. 11 durar, ficar. 12 deter, refrear, parar, embargar. 13 conter, caber, encerrar. the bottle holds one liter / no frasco cabe um litro. 14 possuir, ocupar. 15 julgar, ter por, considerar, crer, afirmar. I hold him to be my friend / eu considero-o meu amigo. 16 presidir. 17 reunir. 18 festejar. 19 continuar, permanecer, manter-se firme. 20 ser válido, vigorar. • interj pare!, quieto!, espere! he held the audience ele fascinou (dominou) os ouvintes. hold on like grim death! agora agüentem firme! hold your horses! calma com isso!, devagar! it took a hold on me impressionou-me. on hold a) adiado. b) na espera (ao telefone). she holds the stage ela arrebata a audiência. the meeting was held at a reunião realizou-se em. there is no holding him ele não se deixa dissuadir. to have a firm hold of (on) dominar, segurar com mão forte. to hold a call colocar alguém em espera (ao telefone) até a pessoa ou o ramal ficar livre. to hold aloof ficar de lado. to hold a wager sustentar uma aposta. to hold back reter(-se), deter(-se). to hold cheap desprezar, menosprezar. to hold counsel deliberar. to hold dear gostar, prezar. to hold down manter sob sujeição ou controle. to hold down (a job) ficar com. to hold forth exibir, entrar em detalhes. to hold good aprovar, confirmar-se. to hold hard parar quieto, sustar. to hold in refrear-se, conter-se, abster-se. to hold off a) manter à distância. b) refrear temporariamente. to hold on a) firmar-se, agarrar-se. b) perdurar, continuar. c) esperar (ao telefone). to hold one’s own, to hold one’s ground manter-se, agüentar. to hold one’s peace ficar quieto. to hold one’s tongue calar-se. to hold out agüentar, resistir. to hold over a) adiar. b) manter a posse de. to hold shares possuir ações. to hold that Jur julgar que. to hold the line ficar esperando ao telefone. to hold true a) verificar, confirmar. b) ser verdadeiro. to hold up a) apresentar como exemplo, expor. b) sustentar. c) atrasar, atrapalhar. d) assaltar (à mão armada), roubar. to hold water ser à prova d’água, ser impermeável. to take hold of segurar, prender, pegar.
    [hould] n 1 porão de carga do navio. 2 compartimento de carga do avião.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > hold

  • 18 hold

    I. 1. държа, държа се
    to HOLD hands държим си ръцете
    to HOLD oneself well имам хубава стойка, държа се изправено
    a glue that HOLDs лепило, което държи/лепи добре
    2. поддържам, крепя, държа здраво
    подпирам (u с up), издържам
    3. задържам, удържам (позиция, неприятел и пр.), държа се, не отстъпвам
    to HOLD the fort владея/държа крепостта, прен. удържам фронта, временно спасявам положението
    to HOLD one's way/course държа същата посока, следвам курса си
    4. имам сила, в сила съм, важа
    does your offer still HOLD? предложението ти важи ли още? the same HOLDs good/true for/in respect of същото важи за
    5. притежавам, имам, владея, заемам (длъжност и пр.), имам (звание, титла)
    to HOLD a medal носител съм на медал/орден
    to HOLD a professorship професор съм
    6. съдържам, побирам
    car that HOLDs five people петместна кола
    7. държа, привличам, завладявам (човек, внимание и пр.)
    to HOLD the stage държа вниманието на публиката (за артист), задържам се, играя се дълго (за пиеса), предмет съм на разговори
    8. държа се, задържам се, трая
    if your luck HOLDs ако не ти изневери щастието/късметът
    9. спирам, задържам, преча, попречвам
    въздържам (се) (и с back, up, in)
    to HOLD one's fire воен. не стрелям, не откривам огън
    to HOLD one's tongue/mouth/peace държа си езика, мълча си, трая си
    HOLD your jaw/noise! дръж си езика! млъкни! there's no HOLDing him не можеш да го спреш, неудържим е
    10. постоянствувам, непоклатим/верен съм, държа (на обещание и пр.), упорству вам
    11. държа, задържам (в плен и пр.)
    12. провеждам, организирам (събрание, избори и пр.), давам (прием и пр.)
    to HOLD intercourse with поддържам връзки с
    13. поддържам (мнение, теория), на мнение съм, смятам, считам, мисля, твърдя
    to HOLD a belief смятам, считам, вярвам
    to HOLD someone to lie a fool считам някого за глупак
    to HOLD someone responsible смятам/считам/държа някого отговорен
    14. празнувам, тача, спазвам (обичай, празник)
    to HOLD someone dear някой ми е скъп/мил
    to HOLD something lightly не ценя нещо
    to HOLD someone in respect/estimation уважавам/отнасям се с уважение към някого
    to HOLD someone in abhorrence/abomination изпитвам отвращение към някого
    to HOLD someone to his word/promise карам/принуждавам някого да изпълни обещанието си
    to be left HOLDing the bag/the baby оставам на сухо, опирам пешкира
    hold against разг.
    to HOLD something against someone сърдя се някому/обвинявам някого за нещо
    hold back спирам, задържам (тълпа, сълзи и пр.), обуздавам
    спъвам, преча на (развитие, напредък и пр.) (from)
    въздържам се, колебая се, дърпам се (from something, from doing something), държа се настрана, скривам, премълчавам, забавям
    hold by придържам се о/към, вслушвам се в, следвам (съвет)
    hold down натискам, прен. потискам
    II. 1. хващане, задържане
    to have HOLD of държа
    to keep HOLD of someone /something задържам/не изпускам/вкопчвам се в някого/нещо
    to get HOLD of придобивам, свързвам се/сдобивам се с, влияя силно на
    to catch/grip/take/lay/grab/scize HOLD of хващам здраво, сграбчвам
    to take HOLD установявам се, затвърдявам се (за мнение и пр.)
    a book difficult to get HOLD of книга, която трудно се намира
    to slip from someone's HOLD измъквам се/изплъзвам се от ръцете на някого
    to leave/lose HOLD of пускам, изпущам
    to lose one's HOLD on reality губя чувство за реалност
    2. власт, контрол, авторитет, влияние
    to have a HOLD on/over someone имам власт/влияние върху/над някого
    to take HOLD of oneself овладявам се, стягам се
    to maintain a HOLD воен. владея
    3. дръжка, място за хващане/стъпване (на скала и пр.)
    4. ост. затвор, укрепено място, крепост
    5. ам. разбиране
    to get HOLD of what is happening схващам какво става
    6. Бокс хватка
    with no HOLDs barred без спазване на всякакви правила (при борба)
    7. муз. фермата
    III. 1. мор. трюм
    2. ам. ав. помещение за багаж
    * * *
    {hould} v (held {held}) 1. държа; държа се; to hold hands държим (2) {'hould} n 1. хващане, задържане; to have hold of държа; to kee{3} {'hould} n 1. мор. трюм; 2. ам. ав. помещение за багаж.
    * * *
    хватка; хващане; съдържам; спирам; трюм; удържам; провеждам; притежавам; власт; владея; въздържам се; дръжка; дръж; задържам; задържане; държа; крепя; контрол;
    * * *
    1. 1 държа, задържам (в плен и пр.) 2. 1 поддържам (мнение, теория), на мнение съм, смятам, считам, мисля, твърдя 3. 1 празнувам, тача, спазвам (обичай, празник) 4. 1 провеждам, организирам (събрание, избори и пр.), давам (прием и пр.) 5. a book difficult to get hold of книга, която трудно се намира 6. a glue that holds лепило, което държи/лепи добре 7. car that holds five people петместна кола 8. does your offer still hold? предложението ти важи ли още? the same holds good/true for/in respect of същото важи за 9. hold against разг 10. hold back спирам, задържам (тълпа, сълзи и пр.), обуздавам 11. hold by придържам се о/към, вслушвам се в, следвам (съвет) 12. hold down натискам, прен. потискам 13. hold your jaw/noise! дръж си езика! млъкни! there's no holding him не можеш да го спреш, неудържим е 14. i. държа, държа се 15. if your luck holds ако не ти изневери щастието/късметът 16. ii. хващане, задържане 17. iii. мор. трюм 18. to be left holding the bag/the baby оставам на сухо, опирам пешкира 19. to catch/grip/take/lay/grab/scize hold of хващам здраво, сграбчвам 20. to get hold of what is happening схващам какво става 21. to get hold of придобивам, свързвам се/сдобивам се с, влияя силно на 22. to have a hold on/over someone имам власт/влияние върху/над някого 23. to have hold of държа 24. to hold a belief смятам, считам, вярвам 25. to hold a medal носител съм на медал/орден 26. to hold a professorship професор съм 27. to hold hands държим си ръцете 28. to hold intercourse with поддържам връзки с 29. to hold one's fire воен. не стрелям, не откривам огън 30. to hold one's tongue/mouth/peace държа си езика, мълча си, трая си 31. to hold one's way/course държа същата посока, следвам курса си 32. to hold oneself well имам хубава стойка, държа се изправено 33. to hold someone dear някой ми е скъп/мил 34. to hold someone in abhorrence/abomination изпитвам отвращение към някого 35. to hold someone in respect/estimation уважавам/отнасям се с уважение към някого 36. to hold someone responsible смятам/считам/държа някого отговорен 37. to hold someone to his word/promise карам/принуждавам някого да изпълни обещанието си 38. to hold someone to lie a fool считам някого за глупак 39. to hold something against someone сърдя се някому/обвинявам някого за нещо 40. to hold something lightly не ценя нещо 41. to hold the fort владея/държа крепостта, прен. удържам фронта, временно спасявам положението 42. to hold the stage държа вниманието на публиката (за артист), задържам се, играя се дълго (за пиеса), предмет съм на разговори 43. to keep hold of someone /something задържам/не изпускам/вкопчвам се в някого/нещо 44. to leave/lose hold of пускам, изпущам 45. to lose one's hold on reality губя чувство за реалност 46. to maintain a hold воен. владея 47. to slip from someone's hold измъквам се/изплъзвам се от ръцете на някого 48. to take hold of oneself овладявам се, стягам се 49. to take hold установявам се, затвърдявам се (за мнение и пр.) 50. with no holds barred без спазване на всякакви правила (при борба) 51. Бокс хватка 52. ам. ав. помещение за багаж 53. ам. разбиране 54. власт, контрол, авторитет, влияние 55. въздържам (се) (и с back, up, in) 56. въздържам се, колебая се, дърпам се (from something, from doing something), държа се настрана, скривам, премълчавам, забавям 57. дръжка, място за хващане/стъпване (на скала и пр.) 58. държа се, задържам се, трая 59. държа, привличам, завладявам (човек, внимание и пр.) 60. задържам, удържам (позиция, неприятел и пр.), държа се, не отстъпвам 61. имам сила, в сила съм, важа 62. муз. фермата 63. ост. затвор, укрепено място, крепост 64. поддържам, крепя, държа здраво 65. подпирам (u с up), издържам 66. постоянствувам, непоклатим/верен съм, държа (на обещание и пр.), упорству вам 67. притежавам, имам, владея, заемам (длъжност и пр.), имам (звание, титла) 68. спирам, задържам, преча, попречвам 69. спъвам, преча на (развитие, напредък и пр.) (from) 70. съдържам, побирам
    * * *
    hold [hould] I. v (held [held]) 1. държа; държа се; to \hold aloof държа се настрана; to \hold hands държим си ръцете; to \hold o.s. държа се изправен; 2. поддържам, крепя, държа здраво, подпирам (и с up); издържам; a glue that \hold s лепило, което държи (лепи) добре; 3. задържам, удържам (позиция, неприятел и пр.); постоянствам; непоклатим, верен съм; държа (на обещание и пр.); упорствам; to \hold by (to) o.'s opinion ( decision) не отстъпвам от мнението (решението) си; \hold the road държа пътя, владея автомобила (особено при хлъзгав път и при завои); to \hold o.'s ground държа се здраво (твърдо), не отстъпвам позициите си; to \hold o.'s own не отстъпвам, държа на своето, пазя достойнството си; пазя самообладание; to \hold o.'s head above ( the) water държа се, не потъвам; свързвам двата края; to \hold the fort владея (държа) крепост; разг. (временно) спасявам положението; 4. имам сила, в сила съм, важа; does your offer still \hold? предложението ти важи ли още? обикн. to \hold good ( true): the same \holds good for ( in respect of) същото важи и за; the bet \holds good басът е валиден; 5. притежавам, имам; владея; заемам (длъжност и пр.); имам (звание, титла); to \hold a medal носител съм на медал (орден); to \hold a professorship професор съм; to \hold sway имам власт, владея, господствам, царувам ( over); 6. съдържам, побирам; a carriage that \holds five people кола за пет човека; who knows what the future \holds? знае ли някой какво ще донесе (крие) бъдещето; 7. държа, привличам, завладявам (човек, внимание и пр.); to \hold the stage задържам (приковавам) вниманието на публиката (за артист); задържам се, играя се дълго (за пиеса); предмет съм на разговори; to \hold in suspense държа в напрежение; to \hold in awe внушавам страх (благоговение); 8. държа се, задържам се, трая (за време); if your luck \holds ако продължи да ти върви; 9. спирам; преча, попречвам, възпрепятствам; въздържам (се) (и с back, up, in); to \hold in check сдържам, спирам, възпирам, контролирам, владея, обуздавам; to \hold o.'s breath спирам, затаявам дъх; to \hold the car ( with the breaks) спирам (заковавам) колата със спирачки; to \hold a rein (on) задържам, стягам юздите; \hold! спри! чакай! \hold hard! спри! почакай! (за малко); to \hold in hand държа в ръцете си подчинение); обуздавам; възпирам; to \hold o.s. in hand сдържам се, не се издавам, владея се, контролирам се; to \hold o.'s hand(s) въздържам се; забавям наказание; \hold your tongue ( mouth, jaw, noise, peace) дръж си езика! не приказвай много! престани! мълчи (си)! трай си! there is no \holding him не можеш да го спреш, неудържим е; 10. задържам; to \hold s.o. prisoner (ост. captive) държа някого в плен; he was held on a charge of a theft той беше задържан за кражба; 11. провеждам, водя; to \hold a meeting правя (организирам) събрание; to \hold elections провеждам избори; to \hold (a) court 1) юрид. заседавам (за съд); 2) давам прием (за монарх); to \hold a feast пирувам, гуляя; to \hold intercourse with s.o. разговарям, поддържам връзки с някого; 12. имам, питая; to \hold a belief смятам, считам, вярвам; to \hold ( the view) that смятам, че; на мнение съм, че; to \hold strange opinion имам странни възгледи; 13. поддържам, на мнение съм; считам, смятам, мисля; I \hold that it is so поддържам, че е така; I \hold him to be a fool считам го за глупак; to \hold s.o. responsible държа някого отговорен; to \hold s.th. lightly не приемам нещо на сериозно; to \hold dear скъп ми е, мил ми е; to \hold cheap не ценя, не зачитам; to \hold s.o. in respect ( esteem, estimation) уважавам, отнасям се с уважение към някого; to \hold s.o. in reverence ( honour) уважавам, почитам (благоговея пред) някого; ценя високо; to \hold s.o. in awe изпитвам страх (благоговение); to \hold s.o. in abhorrence ( abomination) изпитвам отвращение към някого; 14. пазя, празнувам, тача (традиция, празник, обичай); to \hold a brief for s.o. юрид. 1) водя дело на някого (за адвокат); 2) прен. защитавам някого, подкрепям някого, държа неговата страна; to \hold o.'s seat не ставам, оставам седнал; прен. бивам преизбран в парламент; to \hold by the ears държа здраво в ръцете си, имам голямо влияние над; to \hold in store for s.o. предназначавам за; обещавам на някого; to \hold in trust съхранявам, пазя, запазвам; to \hold to ransom искам откуп за; to \hold trumps прен. имам всички преимущества, в изгодно положение съм; to \hold water 1) издържам критика, изпитание; 2) логичен, убедителен съм; \hold your horses не се вълнувай, не бързай; II. n 1. хващане, задържане; хватка; to have ( keep) \hold of държа, владея; to get \hold of придобивам, получавам; to catch ( grip, take, lay) \hold of хващам здраво, сграбчвам; a book difficult to get \hold of книга, която трудно се намира; to slip from s.o.'s \hold измъквам се от ръцете на някого; to leave ( lose) \hold of пускам, отпускам, изпускам; to lose o.'s \hold on reality губя чувството за реалност; 2. власт, контрол; авторитет, влияние; to have a \hold on ( over) s.o. имам власт (влияние) върху (над) някого; to get \hold of s.o. влияя силно на някого; to maintain a \hold воен. завладявам, владея; 3. дръжка, ръкохватка; нещо за захващане; the rock affords no \hold for hand or foot скалата не дава никаква възможност за катерене; 4. ост. затвор; килия; укрепено място; крепост, кале (обикн. stronghold); 5. муз., ост. пауза; to put on \hold оставям настрана (за по-късно ползване); no \holds barred без правила, всичко е разрешено; to take \hold ам. започвам да действам; вземам активно участие, участвам активно. III. [hould] n мор. трюм; хамбар, склад.

    English-Bulgarian dictionary > hold

  • 19 hold

    1. həuld past tense, past participle - held; verb
    1) (to have in one's hand(s) or between one's hands: He was holding a knife; Hold that dish with both hands; He held the little boy's hand; He held the mouse by its tail.) tener en las manos, agarrar, asir
    2) (to have in a part, or between parts, of the body, or between parts of a tool etc: He held the pencil in his teeth; She was holding a pile of books in her arms; Hold the stamp with tweezers.) tener; aguantar
    3) (to support or keep from moving, running away, falling etc: What holds that shelf up?; He held the door closed by leaning against it; Hold your hands above your head; Hold his arms so that he can't struggle.) aguantar, soportar
    4) (to remain in position, fixed etc when under strain: I've tied the two pieces of string together, but I'm not sure the knot will hold; Will the anchor hold in a storm?) aguantar
    5) (to keep (a person) in some place or in one's power: The police are holding a man for questioning in connection with the murder; He was held captive.) detener, retener
    6) (to (be able to) contain: This jug holds two pints; You can't hold water in a handkerchief; This drawer holds all my shirts.) tener (una)capacidad de, contener
    7) (to cause to take place: The meeting will be held next week; We'll hold the meeting in the hall.) tener lugar, celebrar, organizar
    8) (to keep (oneself), or to be, in a particular state or condition: We'll hold ourselves in readiness in case you send for us; She holds herself very erect.) mantenerse
    9) (to have or be in (a job etc): He held the position of company secretary for five years.) ocupar, desempeñar, ejercer
    10) (to think strongly; to believe; to consider or regard: I hold that this was the right decision; He holds me (to be) responsible for everyone's mistakes; He is held in great respect; He holds certain very odd beliefs.) creer, considerar, estar seguro
    11) (to continue to be valid or apply: Our offer will hold until next week; These rules hold under all circumstances.) ser válido, tener validez
    12) ((with to) to force (a person) to do something he has promised to do: I intend to hold him to his promises.) hacer cumplir
    13) (to defend: They held the castle against the enemy.) defender
    14) (not to be beaten by: The general realized that the soldiers could not hold the enemy for long.) resistir (frente)
    15) (to keep (a person's attention): If you can't hold your pupils' attention, you can't be a good teacher.) mantener
    16) (to keep someone in a certain state: Don't hold us in suspense, what was the final decision?) tener
    17) (to celebrate: The festival is held on 24 June.) tener lugar, celebrarse
    18) (to be the owner of: He holds shares in this company.) poseer, tener
    19) ((of good weather) to continue: I hope the weather holds until after the school sports.) mantenerse, aguantar
    20) ((also hold the line) (of a person who is making a telephone call) to wait: Mr Brown is busy at the moment - will you hold or would you like him to call you back?) esperar, aguardar
    21) (to continue to sing: Please hold that note for four whole beats.) aguantar
    22) (to keep (something): They'll hold your luggage at the station until you collect it.) guardar
    23) ((of the future) to be going to produce: I wonder what the future holds for me?) deparar

    2. noun
    1) (the act of holding: He caught/got/laid/took hold of the rope and pulled; Keep hold of that rope.) control; asimiento
    2) (power; influence: He has a strange hold over that girl.) dominio, influencia
    3) ((in wrestling etc) a manner of holding one's opponent: The wrestler invented a new hold.) llave
    - - holder
    - hold-all
    - get hold of
    - hold back
    - hold down
    - hold forth
    - hold good
    - hold it
    - hold off
    - hold on
    - hold out
    - hold one's own
    - hold one's tongue
    - hold up
    - hold-up
    - hold with

    II həuld noun
    ((in ships) the place, below the deck, where cargo is stored.) bodega
    hold1 n bodega
    to get hold of something coger algo / agarrar algo
    hold2 vb
    1. sostener / tener en la mano
    can you hold my camera, please? ¿me aguantas la cámara, por favor?
    2. coger / sujetar
    hold it tight! ¡sujétalo fuerte!
    3. tener una capacidad / tener cabida
    the stadium holds 100,000 people el estadio tiene cabida para 100.000 personas
    4. celebrar / dar
    5. tener / ocupar
    1 (grip) asimiento
    2 (place to grip) asidero
    3 (in ship, plane) bodega
    4 (control) autoridad nombre femenino, control nombre masculino; (influence) influencia
    transitive verb (pt & pp held tr[held])
    1 (keep in one's hand) aguantar, sostener; (grip tightly) agarrar; (support) soportar, aguantar
    3 (contain) dar cabida a, tener capacidad para
    4 figurative use deparar
    I don't know what the future holds for me no sé lo que el futuro me deparará, no sé lo que me espera en el futuro
    5 (meeting) celebrar; (conversation) mantener
    6 (think) creer, considerar
    7 (keep) guardar
    1 (withstand attack, pressure) resistir
    2 (remain true) seguir siendo válido,-a
    to catch hold of agarrar, asir, coger
    to get hold of (grab) agarrar, asir, coger 2 (obtain) hacerse con, encontrar, localizar
    wait till I get hold of you! ¡espera a que te coja!
    to hold one's head high llevar bien alta la cabeza
    to hold somebody abrazar a alguien
    to hold somebody's hand cogerle la mano a alguien
    to hold the road SMALLAUTOMOBILES/SMALL agarrarse a la carretera
    hold ['ho:ld] v, held ['hɛld] ; holding vt
    1) possess: tener
    to hold office: ocupar un puesto
    2) restrain: detener, controlar
    to hold one's temper: controlar su mal genio
    3) clasp, grasp: agarrar, coger
    to hold hands: agarrarse de la mano
    4) : sujetar, mantener fijo
    hold this nail for me: sujétame este clavo
    5) contain: contener, dar cabida a
    6) support: aguantar, sostener
    7) regard: considerar, tener
    he held me responsible: me consideró responsable
    8) conduct: celebrar (una reunión), realizar (un evento), mantener (una conversación)
    hold vi
    1) : aguantar, resistir
    the rope will hold: la cuerda resistirá
    2) : ser válido, valer
    my offer still holds: mi oferta todavía es válida
    to hold forth : perorar, arengar
    to hold to : mantenerse firme en
    to hold with : estar de acuerdo con
    hold n
    1) grip: agarre m, llave f (en deportes)
    2) control: control m, dominio m
    3) delay: demora f
    to put on hold: suspender temporalmente
    4) : bodega f (en un barco o un avión)
    to get hold of : conseguir, localizar
    retenido, -a adj.
    agarradero s.m.
    agarre s.m.
    agarro s.m.
    apresamiento s.m.
    arraigo s.m.
    mango s.m.
    retención s.f. (To contain)
    (§ p.,p.p.: held) = caber v.
    (§pres: quepo, cabes...) pret: cup-
    fut/c: cabr-•) (To fit)
    (§ p.,p.p.: held) = adherir v. (To hold back)
    (§ p.,p.p.: held) = detener v.
    (§pres: -tengo, -tienes...-tenemos) pret: -tuv-
    fut/c: -tendr-•)
    (§ p.,p.p.: held) = contener v.
    (§pres: -tengo, -tienes...-tenemos) pret: -tuv-
    fut/c: -tendr-•)
    mantener v.
    (§pres: -tengo, -tienes...-tenemos) pret: -tuv-
    fut/c: -tendr-•)
    retener v.
    (§pres: -tengo, -tienes...-tenemos) pret: -tuv-
    fut/c: -tendr-•)
    soportar v.
    sostener v.
    (§pres: -tengo, -tienes...-tenemos) pret: -tuv-
    fut/c: -tendr-•)
    sujetar v.
    tener v.
    (§pres: tengo, tienes...tenemos) pret: tuv-
    fut/c: tendr-•)

    1. həʊld
    (past & past p held) transitive verb

    will you hold this for me? — ¿me puedes tener or (esp AmL) agarrar esto por favor?

    b) ( clasp)

    hold it with both handssujétalo or (esp AmL) agárralo con las dos manos

    he was holding her handla tenía agarrada or (esp Esp) cogida de la mano

    hold me tight — abrázame fuerte; own III

    c) ( grip) ( Auto) agarrar, adherirse*

    vehicles which hold the road wellvehículos de buen agarre or que se agarran bien a la carretera

    a) (support, bear) sostener*, aguantar

    to hold oneself erect — mantenerse* erguido

    b) ( have room for) \<\<cup/jug\>\> tener* una capacidad de; \<\<stadium\>\> tener* capacidad or cabida para
    c) ( contain) contener*

    to hold one's liquor o (BrE) drink — ser* de buen beber, aguantar bien la bebida or (fam) el trago

    d) ( have in store) deparar
    a) ( keep in position) sujetar, sostener*
    b) ( maintain) \<\<attention/interest\>\> mantener*
    a) ( keep) \<\<tickets/room\>\> reservar, guardar

    I will hold the money until... — yo me quedaré con el dinero hasta...

    b) (detain, imprison)
    c) ( restrain) detener*

    once she decides to do something, there's no holding her — una vez que decide hacer algo, no hay nada que la detenga

    d) ( control) \<\<troops/rebels\>\> ocupar
    a) ( have) \<\<passport/ticket/permit\>\> tener*, estar* en posesión de (frml); \<\<degree/shares/property\>\> tener*; \<\<record\>\> ostentar, tener*; \<\<post/position\>\> tener*, ocupar

    he holds the view that... — sostiene que or mantiene que..., es de la opinión de que...

    b) ( consider) considerar; ( assert) sostener*, mantener*

    to hold somebody in high esteem — tener* a alguien en mucha or gran estima

    to hold somebody responsible for something — responsabilizar* a alguien de algo

    c) ( conduct) \<\<meeting/elections\>\> celebrar, llevar a cabo; \<\<demonstration\>\> hacer*; \<\<party\>\> dar*; \<\<conversation\>\> mantener*
    a) ( stop)
    b) ( omit) (AmE)

    I'll have a hamburger, but hold the mustard — para mí una hamburguesa, pero sin mostaza

    1) (clasp, grip)
    a) ( stay firm) \<\<rope/door\>\> aguantar, resistir
    b) ( continue) \<\<weather\>\> seguir* or continuar* bueno, mantenerse*
    3) ( be true) \<\<idea/analogy\>\> ser* válido
    Phrasal Verbs:

    1) u
    a) (grip, grasp)

    to catch o grab o take hold (of something) — agarrar (algo), coger* (algo) (esp Esp); ( so as not to fall etc) agarrarse or asirse (de or a algo)

    to keep hold of something — no soltar* algo

    to get hold of somebody — localizar* or (AmL tb) ubicar* a alguien

    to get hold of something — ( manage to get) conseguir* algo

    where did you get hold of the idea that... ? — ¿de dónde has sacado la idea de que... ?

    b) ( control)

    to keep a firm hold on something — mantener* algo bajo riguroso control

    to get a hold of o on oneself — controlarse

    c) (TV)

    horizontal/vertical hold — control m de imagen horizontal/vertical

    2) c
    a) (in wrestling, judo) llave f

    with no holds barredsin ningún tipo de restricciones

    b) ( in mountaineering) asidero m
    3) c (delay, pause) demora f

    to be on hold\<\<negotiations\>\> estar* en compás de espera; \<\<project\>\> estar* aparcado or en suspenso

    to put something on hold\<\<project\>\> dejar algo aparcado or en suspenso

    4) c (of ship, aircraft) bodega f
    [hǝʊld] (vb: pt, pp held)
    1. N
    1) (=grasp) agarro m, asimiento m

    to catch hold of — coger, agarrar (LAm)

    catch hold! — ¡toma!

    to get hold of — coger, agarrar (LAm); (fig) (=take over) adquirir, apoderarse de; (=obtain) procurarse, conseguir

    where can I get hold of some red paint? — ¿dónde puedo conseguir pintura roja?

    where did you get hold of that? — ¿dónde has adquirido eso?

    where did you get hold of that idea? — ¿de dónde te salió esa idea?

    to get hold of sb — (fig) (=contact) localizar a algn

    to get (a) hold of o.s. — (fig) dominarse

    to have hold of — estar agarrado a

    to keep hold of — seguir agarrado a; (fig) guardar para sí

    to lay hold of — coger, agarrar (LAm)

    on hold, to be on hold — (Telec) estar en espera

    to put sb on hold — (Telec) poner a algn en espera

    to relax one's hold — desasirse (on de)

    to seize hold of — apoderarse de

    to take hold of — coger, agarrar (LAm)

    2) (Mountaineering) asidero m
    3) (Wrestling) presa f, llave f

    with no holds barred — (fig) sin restricción, permitiéndose todo

    4) (fig) (=control, influence) (exerted by person) influencia f, dominio m (on, over sobre); (exerted by habit) arraigo m (on, over en)

    to gain a firm hold over sb — llegar a dominar a algn

    to have a hold on or over sb — dominar a algn, tener dominado a algn

    drink has a hold on him — la bebida está muy arraigada en él, está atrapado por la bebida

    5) (Aer, Naut) bodega f, compartimento m de carga
    2. VT
    1) (=grasp) tener; (=grasp firmly) sujetar; (=take hold of) coger, agarrar (LAm); (=embrace) abrazar

    she came in holding a baby/bunch of flowers — entró con un niño en brazos/con un ramo de flores en las manos

    he was holding her in his arms (romantically) la tenía entre sus brazos

    to hold sth in placesujetar algo en un lugar

    to hold sth tightagarrar algo fuertemente

    nose 1., 1)
    2) (=maintain, keep) [+ attention, interest] mantener; [+ belief, opinion] tener, sostener; [+ note] sostener

    can he hold an audience? — ¿sabe mantener el interés de un público?

    to hold one's head high — mantenerse firme

    to hold the line — (Telec) no colgar

    to hold one's owndefenderse

    to hold sb to his promisehacer que algn cumpla su promesa

    this car holds the road well — este coche se agarra muy bien

    he held us spellboundnos tuvo embelesados

    to hold o.s. uprightmantenerse recto

    3) (=keep back) retener, guardar

    "hold for arrival" — (US) (on letters) "no reexpedir", "reténgase"

    4) (=check, restrain) [+ enemy, breath] contener

    hold it! — ¡para!, ¡espera!

    hold everything! — ¡que se pare todo!

    to hold sb prisonertener preso a algn

    to hold one's tongue — morderse la lengua, callarse la boca

    5) (=possess) [+ post, town, lands] ocupar; [+ passport, ticket, shares, title] tener; (Econ) [+ reserves] tener en reserva, tener guardado; [+ record] ostentar; (Mil) [+ position] mantenerse en

    to hold the fort — (fig) quedarse a cargo

    he holds the key to the mystery — él tiene la clave del misterio

    to hold office — (Pol) ocupar un cargo

    to hold the stage — (fig) dominar la escena

    6) (=contain) contener, tener capacidad or cabida para

    this stadium holds 10,000 people — este estadio tiene capacidad or cabida para 10.000 personas

    what does the future hold? — ¿qué nos reserva el futuro?

    7) (=carry on) [+ conversation] mantener; [+ interview, meeting, election] celebrar; [+ event] realizar; (formally) celebrar

    the meeting will be held on Monday — se celebrará la reunión el lunes, la reunión tendrá lugar el lunes

    to hold a mass — (Rel) celebrar una misa

    8) (=consider, believe) creer, sostener

    to hold that... — creer que..., sostener que...

    I hold that... — yo creo or sostengo que...

    it is held by some that... — hay quien cree que...

    to hold sth dearapreciar mucho algo

    to hold sb dearquerer or apreciar mucho a algn

    to hold sb in high esteemtener a algn en gran or alta estima

    to hold sb guiltyjuzgar a algn culpable

    to hold sb in respecttener respeto a algn

    to hold sb responsible for sth — echar la culpa a algn de algo, hacer a algn responsable de algo

    to hold sth to be truecreer que algo es verdad

    peace 1.
    9) (=bear weight of) soportar
    3. VI
    1) (=stick) pegarse; (=not give way) mantenerse firme, resistir; [weather] continuar, seguir bueno

    to hold firm or fastmantenerse firme

    2) (=be valid) valer, ser valedero
    3) (Telec)

    please hold — no cuelge, por favor

    * * *

    1. [həʊld]
    (past & past p held) transitive verb

    will you hold this for me? — ¿me puedes tener or (esp AmL) agarrar esto por favor?

    b) ( clasp)

    hold it with both handssujétalo or (esp AmL) agárralo con las dos manos

    he was holding her handla tenía agarrada or (esp Esp) cogida de la mano

    hold me tight — abrázame fuerte; own III

    c) ( grip) ( Auto) agarrar, adherirse*

    vehicles which hold the road wellvehículos de buen agarre or que se agarran bien a la carretera

    a) (support, bear) sostener*, aguantar

    to hold oneself erect — mantenerse* erguido

    b) ( have room for) \<\<cup/jug\>\> tener* una capacidad de; \<\<stadium\>\> tener* capacidad or cabida para
    c) ( contain) contener*

    to hold one's liquor o (BrE) drink — ser* de buen beber, aguantar bien la bebida or (fam) el trago

    d) ( have in store) deparar
    a) ( keep in position) sujetar, sostener*
    b) ( maintain) \<\<attention/interest\>\> mantener*
    a) ( keep) \<\<tickets/room\>\> reservar, guardar

    I will hold the money until... — yo me quedaré con el dinero hasta...

    b) (detain, imprison)
    c) ( restrain) detener*

    once she decides to do something, there's no holding her — una vez que decide hacer algo, no hay nada que la detenga

    d) ( control) \<\<troops/rebels\>\> ocupar
    a) ( have) \<\<passport/ticket/permit\>\> tener*, estar* en posesión de (frml); \<\<degree/shares/property\>\> tener*; \<\<record\>\> ostentar, tener*; \<\<post/position\>\> tener*, ocupar

    he holds the view that... — sostiene que or mantiene que..., es de la opinión de que...

    b) ( consider) considerar; ( assert) sostener*, mantener*

    to hold somebody in high esteem — tener* a alguien en mucha or gran estima

    to hold somebody responsible for something — responsabilizar* a alguien de algo

    c) ( conduct) \<\<meeting/elections\>\> celebrar, llevar a cabo; \<\<demonstration\>\> hacer*; \<\<party\>\> dar*; \<\<conversation\>\> mantener*
    a) ( stop)
    b) ( omit) (AmE)

    I'll have a hamburger, but hold the mustard — para mí una hamburguesa, pero sin mostaza

    1) (clasp, grip)
    a) ( stay firm) \<\<rope/door\>\> aguantar, resistir
    b) ( continue) \<\<weather\>\> seguir* or continuar* bueno, mantenerse*
    3) ( be true) \<\<idea/analogy\>\> ser* válido
    Phrasal Verbs:

    1) u
    a) (grip, grasp)

    to catch o grab o take hold (of something) — agarrar (algo), coger* (algo) (esp Esp); ( so as not to fall etc) agarrarse or asirse (de or a algo)

    to keep hold of something — no soltar* algo

    to get hold of somebody — localizar* or (AmL tb) ubicar* a alguien

    to get hold of something — ( manage to get) conseguir* algo

    where did you get hold of the idea that... ? — ¿de dónde has sacado la idea de que... ?

    b) ( control)

    to keep a firm hold on something — mantener* algo bajo riguroso control

    to get a hold of o on oneself — controlarse

    c) (TV)

    horizontal/vertical hold — control m de imagen horizontal/vertical

    2) c
    a) (in wrestling, judo) llave f

    with no holds barredsin ningún tipo de restricciones

    b) ( in mountaineering) asidero m
    3) c (delay, pause) demora f

    to be on hold\<\<negotiations\>\> estar* en compás de espera; \<\<project\>\> estar* aparcado or en suspenso

    to put something on hold\<\<project\>\> dejar algo aparcado or en suspenso

    4) c (of ship, aircraft) bodega f

    English-spanish dictionary > hold

  • 20 hold

    I [həʊld]
    1) (grasp) presa f.

    to get hold of — afferrare [ rope]

    to keep (a) hold of o on — mantenere la presa su [ ball]

    to get hold of — procurarsi [book, ticket]; [ press] venire a sapere [ story]; scoprire [ information]

    to get hold of — chiamare, contattare

    4) (control) controllo m., influenza f., ascendente m. (on, over su)
    5) (storage, area) aer. bagagliaio m.; mar. stiva f.
    6) (in wrestling) presa f.
    7) (of spray, gel) fissaggio m.
    8) tel.

    to put a project on holdrimandare o sospendere momentaneamente un progetto

    II 1. [həʊld]
    verbo transitivo (pass., p.pass. held)
    1) (clasp) tenere

    to hold sth. in one's hand — tenere [qcs.] in mano [brush, pencil]; (enclosed) stringere [qcs.] in mano [ coin]

    to hold sb. by — tenere qcn. per [sleeve, leg]

    to hold sb. (in one's arms) — tenere qcn. tra le braccia

    to hold sth. in place o position — tenere qcs. a posto

    3) (arrange) organizzare [competition, election]; tenere [ conversation]; celebrare [ church service]; condurre [ enquiry]; fare [ interview]

    to be heldavere luogo o tenersi

    4) (have capacity for) [ theatre] avere una capacità di, (potere) contenere [ 350 people]
    5) (contain) [drawer, box] contenere [ objects]
    6) (support) reggere [ load]
    7) (restrain) tenere [ dog]

    there'll be no holding himfig. non lo tiene nessuno

    8) (keep against will) trattenere [ person]

    to hold sb. hostage — tenere qcn. in ostaggio

    9) (possess) possedere, avere [shares, power]; detenere [record, sporting title]; occupare [job, position]; avere, essere in possesso di [licence, degree]; avere [ title]; [ computer] conservare [ information]; avere [ mortgage]
    10) (keep back) tenere [place, ticket]; fare aspettare [train, flight]; tenere, non inviare [ letter]; tenere in sospeso [ order]

    hold it!colloq. un momento! aspetta un attimo!

    11) (believe) avere [opinion, belief]

    to hold sb., sth. to be — ritenere che qcn., qcs. sia

    to hold that — [ person] pensare che; [ law] dire che

    to hold sb. liable o responsible — ritenere qcn. responsabile

    12) (defend successfully) tenere [territory, city]; conservare, mantenere [ title]; mantenere [seat, lead]

    to hold one's own — tenere duro, non demordere

    13) (captivate) tenere desta l'attenzione di [ audience]; attirare [ attention]
    14) tel.

    to hold the lineattendere o restare in linea

    15) mus. tenere [ note]
    16) aut.
    verbo intransitivo (pass., p.pass. held)
    1) (remain intact) [rope, glue] tenere; fig. (anche hold good) [ theory] reggere
    2) (continue) [ weather] tenere, mantenersi; [ luck] durare
    3) tel. attendere (in linea)
    verbo riflessivo (pass., p.pass. held)
    * * *
    I 1. [həuld] past tense, past participle - held; verb
    1) (to have in one's hand(s) or between one's hands: He was holding a knife; Hold that dish with both hands; He held the little boy's hand; He held the mouse by its tail.)
    2) (to have in a part, or between parts, of the body, or between parts of a tool etc: He held the pencil in his teeth; She was holding a pile of books in her arms; Hold the stamp with tweezers.)
    3) (to support or keep from moving, running away, falling etc: What holds that shelf up?; He held the door closed by leaning against it; Hold your hands above your head; Hold his arms so that he can't struggle.)
    4) (to remain in position, fixed etc when under strain: I've tied the two pieces of string together, but I'm not sure the knot will hold; Will the anchor hold in a storm?)
    5) (to keep (a person) in some place or in one's power: The police are holding a man for questioning in connection with the murder; He was held captive.)
    6) (to (be able to) contain: This jug holds two pints; You can't hold water in a handkerchief; This drawer holds all my shirts.)
    7) (to cause to take place: The meeting will be held next week; We'll hold the meeting in the hall.)
    8) (to keep (oneself), or to be, in a particular state or condition: We'll hold ourselves in readiness in case you send for us; She holds herself very erect.)
    9) (to have or be in (a job etc): He held the position of company secretary for five years.)
    10) (to think strongly; to believe; to consider or regard: I hold that this was the right decision; He holds me (to be) responsible for everyone's mistakes; He is held in great respect; He holds certain very odd beliefs.)
    11) (to continue to be valid or apply: Our offer will hold until next week; These rules hold under all circumstances.)
    12) ((with to) to force (a person) to do something he has promised to do: I intend to hold him to his promises.)
    13) (to defend: They held the castle against the enemy.)
    14) (not to be beaten by: The general realized that the soldiers could not hold the enemy for long.)
    15) (to keep (a person's attention): If you can't hold your pupils' attention, you can't be a good teacher.)
    16) (to keep someone in a certain state: Don't hold us in suspense, what was the final decision?)
    17) (to celebrate: The festival is held on 24 June.)
    18) (to be the owner of: He holds shares in this company.)
    19) ((of good weather) to continue: I hope the weather holds until after the school sports.)
    20) ((also hold the line) (of a person who is making a telephone call) to wait: Mr Brown is busy at the moment - will you hold or would you like him to call you back?)
    21) (to continue to sing: Please hold that note for four whole beats.)
    22) (to keep (something): They'll hold your luggage at the station until you collect it.)
    23) ((of the future) to be going to produce: I wonder what the future holds for me?)
    2. noun
    1) (the act of holding: He caught/got/laid/took hold of the rope and pulled; Keep hold of that rope.)
    2) (power; influence: He has a strange hold over that girl.)
    3) ((in wrestling etc) a manner of holding one's opponent: The wrestler invented a new hold.)
    - - holder
    - hold-all
    - get hold of
    - hold back
    - hold down
    - hold forth
    - hold good
    - hold it
    - hold off
    - hold on
    - hold out
    - hold one's own
    - hold one's tongue
    - hold up
    - hold-up
    - hold with
    II [həuld] noun
    ((in ships) the place, below the deck, where cargo is stored.)
    * * *
    I [həʊld]
    1) (grasp) presa f.

    to get hold of — afferrare [ rope]

    to keep (a) hold of o on — mantenere la presa su [ ball]

    to get hold of — procurarsi [book, ticket]; [ press] venire a sapere [ story]; scoprire [ information]

    to get hold of — chiamare, contattare

    4) (control) controllo m., influenza f., ascendente m. (on, over su)
    5) (storage, area) aer. bagagliaio m.; mar. stiva f.
    6) (in wrestling) presa f.
    7) (of spray, gel) fissaggio m.
    8) tel.

    to put a project on holdrimandare o sospendere momentaneamente un progetto

    II 1. [həʊld]
    verbo transitivo (pass., p.pass. held)
    1) (clasp) tenere

    to hold sth. in one's hand — tenere [qcs.] in mano [brush, pencil]; (enclosed) stringere [qcs.] in mano [ coin]

    to hold sb. by — tenere qcn. per [sleeve, leg]

    to hold sb. (in one's arms) — tenere qcn. tra le braccia

    to hold sth. in place o position — tenere qcs. a posto

    3) (arrange) organizzare [competition, election]; tenere [ conversation]; celebrare [ church service]; condurre [ enquiry]; fare [ interview]

    to be heldavere luogo o tenersi

    4) (have capacity for) [ theatre] avere una capacità di, (potere) contenere [ 350 people]
    5) (contain) [drawer, box] contenere [ objects]
    6) (support) reggere [ load]
    7) (restrain) tenere [ dog]

    there'll be no holding himfig. non lo tiene nessuno

    8) (keep against will) trattenere [ person]

    to hold sb. hostage — tenere qcn. in ostaggio

    9) (possess) possedere, avere [shares, power]; detenere [record, sporting title]; occupare [job, position]; avere, essere in possesso di [licence, degree]; avere [ title]; [ computer] conservare [ information]; avere [ mortgage]
    10) (keep back) tenere [place, ticket]; fare aspettare [train, flight]; tenere, non inviare [ letter]; tenere in sospeso [ order]

    hold it!colloq. un momento! aspetta un attimo!

    11) (believe) avere [opinion, belief]

    to hold sb., sth. to be — ritenere che qcn., qcs. sia

    to hold that — [ person] pensare che; [ law] dire che

    to hold sb. liable o responsible — ritenere qcn. responsabile

    12) (defend successfully) tenere [territory, city]; conservare, mantenere [ title]; mantenere [seat, lead]

    to hold one's own — tenere duro, non demordere

    13) (captivate) tenere desta l'attenzione di [ audience]; attirare [ attention]
    14) tel.

    to hold the lineattendere o restare in linea

    15) mus. tenere [ note]
    16) aut.
    verbo intransitivo (pass., p.pass. held)
    1) (remain intact) [rope, glue] tenere; fig. (anche hold good) [ theory] reggere
    2) (continue) [ weather] tenere, mantenersi; [ luck] durare
    3) tel. attendere (in linea)
    verbo riflessivo (pass., p.pass. held)

    English-Italian dictionary > hold

См. также в других словарях:

  • hold one's water — verb a) To hold ones urine. b) To be patient; to control ones impulses …   Wiktionary

  • hold one's breath — {v. phr.} 1. To stop breathing for a moment when you are excited or nervous. * /The race was so close that everyone was holding his breath at the finish./ 2. To endure great nervousness, anxiety, or excitement. * /John held his breath for days… …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • hold one's breath — {v. phr.} 1. To stop breathing for a moment when you are excited or nervous. * /The race was so close that everyone was holding his breath at the finish./ 2. To endure great nervousness, anxiety, or excitement. * /John held his breath for days… …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • hold one's own — verb 1. be sufficiently competent in a certain situation He can hold his own in graduate school • Verb Frames: Somebody s 2. maintain one s position and be in control of a situation • Hypernyms: ↑control, ↑command …   Useful english dictionary

  • To hold one's day — Hold Hold, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Held}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Holding}. {Holden}, p. p., is obs. in elegant writing, though still used in legal language.] [OE. haldan, D. houden, OHG. hoten, Icel. halda, Dan. holde, Sw. h[*a]lla, Goth. haldan to feed,… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • To hold one's own — Hold Hold, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Held}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Holding}. {Holden}, p. p., is obs. in elegant writing, though still used in legal language.] [OE. haldan, D. houden, OHG. hoten, Icel. halda, Dan. holde, Sw. h[*a]lla, Goth. haldan to feed,… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • To hold one's peace — Hold Hold, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Held}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Holding}. {Holden}, p. p., is obs. in elegant writing, though still used in legal language.] [OE. haldan, D. houden, OHG. hoten, Icel. halda, Dan. holde, Sw. h[*a]lla, Goth. haldan to feed,… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • hold one's own — See own Britain has begun to hold its own in world markets Syn: stand firm, stand one s ground, keep one s end up, keep one s head above water, compete, survive, cope, get on/along …   Thesaurus of popular words

  • hold one's horses — verb To be patient; to wait. Im going to tell you, aint I? he said, gruffly. Just hold your horses a minute, please. Syn: hold ones water …   Wiktionary

  • Hold — Hold, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Held}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Holding}. {Holden}, p. p., is obs. in elegant writing, though still used in legal language.] [OE. haldan, D. houden, OHG. hoten, Icel. halda, Dan. holde, Sw. h[*a]lla, Goth. haldan to feed, tend… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • hold — I. /hoʊld / (say hohld) verb (held, held or, Archaic, holden, holding) –verb (t) 1. to have or keep in the hand; keep fast; grasp. 2. to reserve; retain; set aside. 3. to bear, sustai …  

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